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Internationalization context API: Programming reference

Application components programmatically manage internationalization context through the UserInternationalization, Internationalization, and InvocationInternationalization interfaces in the com.ibm.websphere.i18n.context package.

The following code example introduces the internationalization context API:

public interface UserInternationalization {
  public Internationalization getCallerInternationalization();
  public InvocationInternationalization

public interface Internationalization {
  public java.util.Locale[] getLocales();
  public java.util.Locale getLocale();
  public java.util.TimeZone getTimeZone();

public interface InvocationInternationalization
    extends Internationalization {
  public void setLocales(java.util.Locale[] locales);
  public void setLocale(java.util.Locale jmLocale);
  public void setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZonetimeZone);
  public void setTimeZone(String timeZoneId);

UserInternationalization interface

The UserInternationalization interface provides factory methods for obtaining references to the CallerInternationalization and InvocationInternationalization context objects. Use these references to access elements of the caller and invocation contexts correlated to the current thread.

Methods of the UserInternationalization interface:

Internationalization getCallerInternationalization()

Returns a reference implementing the Internationalization interface that supports access to elements of the caller internationalization context correlated to the current thread. If the service is disabled, this method issues an IllegalStateException exception.

InvocationInternationalization getInvocationInternationalization()

Returns a reference implementing the InvocationInternationalization interface. If the service is disabled, this method issues an IllegalStateException exception.

Internationalization interface

The Internationalization interface declares methods that provide read-only access to internationalization context. Given a caller or invocation internationalization context object created with the UserInternationalization interface, bind the object to the Internationalization interface to get elements of that context type. Observe that caller internationalization context can be accessed only through this interface.

Methods of the Internationalization interface:

Locale[] getLocales()

Returns the chain of locales within the internationalization context (object) that is bound to the interface, provided the chain is not null; otherwise this method returns a chain of length(1) containing the default locale of the JVM.

Locale getLocale()

Returns the first in the chain of locales within the internationalization context (object) that is bound to the interface, provided the chain is not null; otherwise this method returns the default locale of the JVM.

TimeZone getTimeZone()

Returns the caller time zone (that is, the SimpleTimeZone instance) that is associated with the current thread, provided the time zone is non-null; otherwise this method returns the process time zone.

InvocationInternationalization interface

The InvocationInternationalization interface declares methods that provide read and write access to InvocationInternationalization context. Given an invocation internationalization context object created with the UserInternationalization interface, bind the object to the InvocationInternationalization interface to get and set elements of the invocation context.

According to the container-managed internationalization (CMI) policy, all set methods, setXxx(), issue an IllegalStateException exception when called within a CMI servlet or enterprise bean.

Methods of the InvocationInternationalization interface:

void setLocales(java.util.Locale[] locales)

Sets the chain of locales to the supplied chain, locales, within the invocation internationalization context. The supplied chain can be null or have length(>= 0). When the supplied chain is null or has length(0), the service sets the chain of invocation locales to an array of length(1) containing the default locale of the JVM. Null entries can exist within the supplied locale list, for which the service substitutes the default locale of the JVM on remote invocations.

void setLocale(java.util.Locale locale)

Sets the chain of locales within the invocation internationalization context to an array of length(1) containing the supplied locale, locale. The supplied locale can be null, in which case the service instead sets the chain to an array of length(1) containing the default locale of the JVM.

void setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone timeZone)

Sets the time zone within the invocation internationalization context to the supplied time zone, time zone. If the supplied time zone is not an exact instance of java.util.SimpleTimeZone or is null, the service sets the invocation time zone to the default time zone of the JVM instead.

void setTimeZone(String timeZoneId)

Sets the time zone within the invocation internationalization context to the java.util.SimpleTimeZone having the supplied ID, timeZoneId. If the supplied time zone ID is null or invalid (that is, the ID is not displayed in the list of IDs returned by the java.util.TimeZone.getAvailableIds method) the service sets the invocation time zone to the simple time zone having an ID of GMT, an offset of 00:00, and otherwise invalid fields.


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