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UDDI Tier settings

We can configure the general properties of a UDDI publisher tier. To view this console page, click UDDI > UDDI Nodes > UDDI_node_id > Tiers > tier_name.


Name of the tier.

Information Value
Required Yes
Data type String
Default No default
Range 1 to 255


Specifies a description of the purpose or usage of this tier.

Information Value
Data type String
Default No default
Range 0 to 255

Maximum properties

The data for each maximum property field has the following properties:

Information Value
Required Yes
Data type Integer
Default No default
Range 0 to 2147483647

Maximum businesses

Maximum number of businesses that UDDI publishers in this tier can publish.

Maximum services per business

Maximum number of services that UDDI publishers in this tier can publish for each business.

Maximum bindings per service

Maximum number of bindings that UDDI publishers in this tier can publish for each service.

Maximum tModels

Maximum number of tModels that UDDI publishers in this tier can publish.

Maximum publisher assertions

Maximum number of publisher assertions that UDDI publishers in this tier can add.

Related tasks

  • Manage the UDDI registry

    Related information:

  • Administrative console buttons
  • Administrative console page features