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UDDI Publisher settings

We can view and edit the entitlements and publication limits tier for a UDDI publisher, or create a new UDDI publisher. To view this console page, use one of the following options:

User name

Name of the UDDI publisher.

For a new UDDI publisher, enter the name of a user that is known to the application server. For an existing publisher, we cannot change the user name.

Allowed to publish keyGenerator with derived key

Whether the UDDI publisher has permission to publish a tModel:keyGenerator request with a derived key.

The tModel:keyGenerator request is a request for key space. An example of a legal derived key is uddi:tempuri.com:fish:buyingService, where the key is based on the derivedKey key uddi:tempuri.com:fish and the string buyingService is the key-specific string (KSS) for that key.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default True (selected)

Allowed to publish keyGenerator with domain keys

Whether the UDDI publisher has permission to publish a tModel:keyGenerator request with a domain key.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default True (selected)

Allowed to publish keyGenerator

Whether the UDDI publisher has permission to publish a tModel:keyGenerator request.

If we set this value to false, the UDDI publisher cannot publish keyGenerator requests of any kind. In this situation, the following settings are ignored, regardless of how they are set:

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default True (selected)

Allowed to publish with UUID key

Whether the UDDI publisher has permission to publish elements with a UUID key.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default False (cleared)

Allowed to publish keyGenerator with UUID keys

Whether the UDDI publisher has permission to publish a tModel:keyGenerator request with a UUID key.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default False (cleared)


Tier to which the UDDI publisher is assigned.

Related concepts

  • UDDI registry Version 3 entity keys

    Related tasks

  • Manage the UDDI registry

    Related information:

  • Administrative console buttons
  • Administrative console page features

    Create UDDI Publishers

    Policy groups