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Manage repositories collection

Use this page to list repositories configured in the system or to select a repository to view or change its configuration properties. We can add or delete external repositories. To view this console page:

  1. In the console, click Security > Global security.

  2. Under User account repository, select Federated repositories from the Available realm definitions field and click Configure. To configure for a specific domain in a multiple security domain environment, click Security domains > domain_name. Under Security Attributes, expand User Realm, and click Customize for this domain. Select the Realm type as Federated repositories and then click Configure.

  3. Under Related items, click Manage repositories.

When you finish adding or updating the federated repository configuration, go to the Security > Global security panel and click Apply to validate the changes.

Repository identifier

Unique identifier for the repository. This identifier uniquely identifies the repository within the cell.

Repository type

Repository type, such as File or LDAP.


Select to add a new LDAP, custom or file repository.


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol repository configuration settings