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WS-Addressing policy settings

Use this page to define the appropriate WS-Addressing policy assertions for this policy set. To view this console page, click Services > Policy sets > Application policy sets > policy_set_name > [Policy] WS-Addressing, when the policy set includes the WS-Addressing policy type.

We can configure the WS-Addressing policy type for both client-side and provider-side policy sets. If we enable WS-Policy, this configuration is communicated between servers and clients that support WS-Policy.

WS-Addressing is mandatory

Whether a WS-Addressing SOAP header is included on messages.

Information Value
Data type Check box
Default Cleared


WS-Addressing is not mandatory. Servers will not generate a fault if they receive a message that does not contain a WS-Addressing header. Clients might not include WS-Addressing headers in SOAP messages, for example, if WS-Policy is enabled and the server does not specify that WS-Addressing is mandatory.


WS-Addressing is mandatory. Servers return a fault if they receive a message that does not contain a WS-Addressing header. Clients always include WS-Addressing headers in SOAP messages.

Messaging style

Messaging style supported by this policy set.

Use the radio buttons to configure the messaging style.

The following table shows how the messaging style options correspond to WS-Policy assertions.

messaging style and WS-Policy. This table provides a mapping
Messaging style WS-Policy mapping
Synchronous and asynchronous wsam:AnonymousResponses or wsam:NonAnonymousResponses
Synchronous only wsam:AnonymousResponses
Asynchronous only wsam:NonAnonymousResponses

Information Value
Required No
Data type Radio button

Related concepts

  • Web Services Addressing support
  • Web Services Addressing message exchange patterns
  • Web Services Addressing security

    Related tasks

  • Manage policy sets using the administrative console

    Application policy sets collection

    Application policy set settings