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Token generator collection

To view token generators at the cell level...

The information is used on the generator side only to generate the security token.

To view this console page for the server level...

In a mixed node cell with a server using WAS v6.1 or earlier, click...

Token generator name

Name of the token generator configuration.

For example, the default X509 token generator names are either gen_enctgen for encrypting or gen_signtgen for signing. Or a custom token generator name might be sig_tgen for signing.

Token generator class name

Name of the token generator implementation class.

This class must implement the com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.token.TokenGeneratorComponent interface.

Token generator class name

Name of the token generator implementation class.

The JAAS Login Module implementation is used to create the security token on the generator side.

Related tasks

  • Configure token generators using JAX-RPC to protect message authenticity at the server or cell level
  • Configure programmatic logins for Java Authentication and Authorization Service

    Token consumer collection

    Token consumer configuration settings

    Token generator configuration settings