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Web services client port information

Use this page to specify a request timeout, override an endpoint, and override a binding namespace for a web services client port.

A web service can have multiple ports. We can view and configure the port attributes for each defined web service port. The web services are listed on the web services client bindings page. To view this console page:

  1. Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > resource_name .

  2. Click Manage Modules > module_name > Web services client bindings.

  3. Click Edit under Port Information.

This console page applies to both JAX-WS and Java API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC) web services. The Overridden endpoint URL field is the only field supported for JAX-WS clients. The other fields are not applicable for JAX-WS clients.


Name of a port.

Request timeout

Time, in seconds, that a web service client waits for a request to complete on this port. If a timeout is not specified, the default request timeout for the client to wait is 300 seconds. If the value is set at 0 (zero), the timeout used is the default value for the underlying transport mechanism. This field is supported only for JAX-RPC clients.

A typical use for this setting is to customize the client's behavior when it is configured to use a JMS transport to access a web service to make it wait longer for an expected completion. Depending upon network conditions, or the nature of a web service implementation, it might be necessary to tune the timeout.

Overridden endpoint URL

Name of an endpoint used to override the current endpoint. A client invoking a request on this port uses this endpoint instead of the endpoint specified in the WSDL file. This field is supported for both JAX-WS and JAX-RPC clients.

When either JAX-RPC or JAX-WS clients are invoked, requests are sent to the URL specified in the port's SOAP address location attribute in the WSDL (Web Services Description Language) file. Both programming models also offer clients the ability to programmatically set the endpoint address URL. For JAX-RPC, the client uses the javax.xml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY property to set the endpoint address URL; for JAX-WS, the client uses the javax.xml.ws.BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY property.

If an assembled application contains a web service client that is statically bound, the client is locked into using the implementation (service end point) identified in the WSDL file used during development. Overriding the endpoint is an alternative to configuring the deployed WSDL attribute.

The overridden endpoint URI attribute is specified on a per port basis. It does not require an alternative WSDL file within the module. The overridden endpoint URI takes precedence over the deployed WSDL attribute. The client uses this value for the service end point URI or SOAP address, instead of the value in the static client bindings.

Avoid trouble:


Overridden binding

Specifies the WSDL file binding namespace URI to use with this port, instead of the namespace in the WSDL file. This binding does not need to exist in the WSDL file. A client invoking a request on this port uses this binding instead of the binding specified in the WSDL file. An overridden binding namespace cannot be specified unless an overridden endpoint is specified. This field is supported only for JAX-RPC clients.

Related tasks

  • Configure web services client bindings

    Related information:

  • JVM custom properties