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Encryption information collection

Use this page to specify the configuration encrypting and decrypting parts of the message, including the body and user name token.

To view the console panel for the encryption information on the cell level...

To view the console panel for the encryption information on the server level...

In a mixed node cell with a server using WAS v6.1 or earlier, click Web services: Default bindings for Web Services Security.

To view this console page for the collection certificate store on the application level...

We can access encryption information for the following bindings:

  • Under Additional properties, we can access encryption information for the following bindings:

    • For the Request receiver...

        Web services: Server security bindings | Request receiver binding |Edit | Additional properties | Encryption information

    • For the Response receiver...

    Encryption information name

    Name of the encryption information.

    Key locator reference

    Name of the key locator configuration that retrieves the key for XML digital signature and XML encryption.

    Key encryption algorithm

    Algorithm used to encrypt and decrypt keys.

    Data encryption algorithm

    Algorithm used to encrypt and decrypt data.

    Related tasks

    Configure encryption using JAX-RPC to protect message confidentiality at the application level

    Encryption information configuration settings: Message parts

    Web services: Server security bindings collection