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Audit event factory configuration collection

The Audit event factory configuration panel displays a list of all currently configured audit event factory implementations. This panel allows a user with the auditor role to manage their configured audit event factories. This includes the ability to configure a new implementation, which is done using the New button on this panel. To view this console page, click Security > Security Auditing > Audit event factory configuration.


The Name field specifies the unique name associated with the audit event factory configuration.


The Type field specifies this audit event factory configuration as either an IBM audit event factory or a Third party audit event factory.

Class name

The Class name field specifies the class that is being implemented in an audit event factory configuration.

The class name is com.ibm.ws.security.audit.AuditEventFactoryImpl for an IBM event factory. For a Third party audit event factory, the class name is the class specified in the Third party audit event factory class name field.


Audit event factory settings