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Server cluster settings

Use this page to view or change the configuration of a server cluster instance, and to view the local topology of a server cluster instance.

To change the configuration and local topology of a server cluster, in the console click Servers > Clusters > Clusters >cluster_name.

To view runtime information, such as the state of the server cluster, click Servers > Clusters > WebSphere application server clusters > cluster_name, and then click the Runtime tab.

To display the topology of a specific cluster, click Servers > Clusters > WebSphere application server clusters > cluster_name, and then click the Local Topology tab.

If the high availability infrastructure is disabled and you require IIOP routing capabilities, follow the instructions contained in the "Enabling static routing for a cluster" topic to create a static route table. This table enables the cluster to handle IIOP requests.

Avoid trouble:


Cluster name

Logical name for the cluster. The name must be unique among clusters within the containing cell.

Short name

Short name for this cluster. This field displays only if you are running on z/OS .

The short name is used as the WLM APPLENV name for all servers that are part of this cluster.

If we specify a short name for a cluster member, the name:

If we do not specify a short name, then the system assigns a default short name that is automatically unique within the cell. We can change the generated short name to conform with the naming conventions.

(zos) Unique Id

Unique ID of this cluster.

The unique ID property is read only. The system automatically generates the value.

Bounding node group name

Node group that forms the boundaries for this cluster. All application servers that are members of a cluster must be on nodes that are members of the same node group.

A node group is a collection of application server nodes. A node is a logical grouping of managed servers, usually on a system that has a distinct IP host address. All application servers that are members of a cluster must be on nodes that are members of the same node group. Nodes that are organized into a node group need enough capabilities in common to ensure that clusters formed across the nodes in the node group can host the same application in each cluster member. A node must be a member of at least one node group and can be a member of more than one node group.

Create and manage node groups by clicking System administration > Node groups in the console.

Prefer local

The host scoped routing optimization is enabled or disabled. The default is enabled, which means that, when possible, enterprise bean requests are routed to the client host. Enable this setting improves performance because client requests are sent to local enterprise beans.

(zos) This field does not apply for z/OS.

Information Value
Data type Boolean
Default true

Supported configurations: If we enable the preferLocal optimization, the deployment manager must be running to affect the configuration. If the deployment manager is shut down, preferLocal optimization is not performed and requests might be dispersed across all the members of the cluster.

Enable failover of transaction log recovery

Specifies that for the transaction service component, failover of the transaction log for recovery purposes is enabled or disabled. The default is disabled.

When this setting is enabled, and the transaction service properties required for peer recovery of failed application servers in a cluster are properly configured, failover recovery of the transaction log occurs if the server processing the transaction log fails. If the transaction services properties required for peer recovery of failed application servers in a cluster are not properly configured, then this setting is ignored.


Currently registered workload controller (WLC) identifier for the cluster. This setting might not display for all configurations.

Information Value
Data type String


Whether the cluster is stopped, starting, or running.

If all cluster members are stopped, the cluster state is stopped. After you request to start a cluster, the cluster state briefly changes to starting and each server that is a member of that cluster launches, if it is not already running. When the first member launches, the state changes to websphere.cluster.partial.start. The state remains partially started until all cluster members are running, then the state changes to running. Similarly, when stopping a cluster, the state changes to partially stopped as the first member stops and changes to stopped when all members are not running.

Information Value
Valid values starting, partially started, running, partially stopped, or stopped.

Related concepts

  • Clusters and workload management

    Transactional high availability

    Related tasks

  • Create clusters

    Configure transaction properties for peer recovery

  • Enable static routing for a cluster
  • Disable static routing for a cluster

  • Backup cluster settings
  • Cluster topology