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Match criteria settings

Use this page to define a match criterion for a policy. To view this console page, click Servers > Core Groups > Core group settings > New, or select an existing core group, and then click Policies > New, or select an existing policy. Finally, click Match criteria > criterion name.

The name and value fields should match a name-value attribute included in the name of a high availability group we want associated with this policy.

After defining a match criterion, click Apply to make the changes effective. Click Save to save and synchronize your changes with all managed nodes.


Name portion of a name-value pair that is part of the name of the high availability group that you are associating with this policy.


Value portion of a name-value pair that is part of the name of the high availability group that you are associating with this policy.


Specifies a description of the match criterion. Make the description meaningful. For example, the description might indicate the high availability group that this name-value pair matches.

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Match criteria collection