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Preferred servers

Use this page to define the ordered list of preferred servers for the selected policy. The policy gives preference to the servers in this list when activating group members. To view this console page, you must be working with a policy that has a policy type of M of N or One of N. If the policy has one of these policy types, click Servers > Core Groups > Core group settings > New, or select an existing core group. Then click > Policies > New > , or select an existing policy. In the Additional Properties section, select Preferred Servers.

Use Add and Remove to move servers into and out of the list of preferred servers. Use Move up and Move down to adjust the order within the list of preferred servers. Make sure the most preferred server is at the top of the list and the least preferred server is at the bottom.

Click OK to make your changes effective. Click Save to save and synchronize the changes with all managed nodes.

Changes to the preferred servers list take affect as soon as they are saved and synchronized. You do not have to stop and restart the affected application servers.

Reference topic