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Generic server settings

Use this page to view or change the settings of a generic server.

A generic server is a server that is managed in the product administrative domain, although it is not a server provided with the product. The generic server can be any server or process that is necessary to support the Application Server environment, including a Java server, a C or C++ server or process, or a Remote Method Invocation (RMI) server. To view this console page, click Servers > Server Types > Generic servers > server_name.

On the Configuration tab, we can edit fields. On the Runtime tab, we can look at read-only information. The Runtime tab is available only when the server is running.


Logical name for the generic server.

Generic server names must be unique within a node. For multiple nodes within a cluster, we can have different generic servers with the same server name as long as the server and node pair are unique. For example, a server named server1 in a node named node1 in the same cluster with a server named server1 in a node named node2 is allowed. Configuring two servers named server1 in the same node is not allowed. The product uses the server name for administrative actions, such as referencing the server in scripting.

It is highly recommended that you use a naming scheme that makes it easy to distinguish the generic application servers from regular product application servers. This will enable you to quickly determine whether to use the Terminate or Stop button in the console to stop a specific application server.

We must use the Terminate or Stop buttons to stop a generic application server.

Information Value
Data type String

Reference topic