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Select current backend ID settings

Use this page to select a backend identifier for container-managed persistence (CMP) beans containing mappings for multiple backend databases.

This console page is a step in the application installation and update wizards. To view this console page, click Applications > New Application > New Enterprise Application > application_path > Next > Detailed - Show all installation options and parameters > Next > Next or Continue > Step: Select current backend ID. This page is displayed in the wizards if Database type is blank on the Provide options to perform the EJB Deploy page.

A backend can represent different database vendors, or simply alternative mappings and table qualifiers. If a JAR file for an enterprise bean defines CMP beans containing mappings for multiple backend databases, you must select a current backend ID to be used when the module is installed on a deployment target. The backend ID determines the persister classes that get loaded at deployment.

If any value is modified on this page, all of the metadata files related to the application are refreshed in the configuration repository.


Name of the module containing the bean.


Location of the module relative to the root of the application EAR file.

Current backend ID

Current backend ID to be used when the module is installed on a deployment target.

Related concepts

  • Application bindings

    Related tasks

  • Install enterprise application files with the console