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WebSphere MQ queue connection properties

Use this panel to specify how to connect to the queue manager that hosts the queue.

The system uses these connection properties to retrieve, display and update the queue configuration details that are shown on the WebSphere MQ queue settings panel.

To set of change the queue connection properties, use the administrative console to complete the following steps:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Resources > JMS->Queues to display existing queue destinations.

  2. Click the name of the queue destination to work with.

  3. To view or change the queue destination settings, click its name in the list displayed.

Under General Properties there are two groups of properties:

Make any required changes to the Administration and WebSphere MQ Queue groups of properties and then click Apply before, in the content pane under Additional Properties, you click the WebSphere MQ queue connection properties link to display or change the connection properties of the WebSphere MQ queue destination.

Make any required changes to the General properties and then click Apply before, in the content pane under Additional Properties, you click WebSphere MQ configuration to return to the WebSphere MQ queue settings panel.

A queue destination for use with the WebSphere MQ messaging provider has the following WebSphere MQ queue connection properties.

We cannot use this panel when WebSphere MQ functionality has been disabled. For more information see Disable WebSphere MQ functionality in WebSphere Application Server.

Queue Manager Host

The name of host for the queue manager on which the queue destination is created.

Information Value
Data type String

Queue Manager Port

The number of the port used by the queue manager on which this queue is defined.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Range A valid TCP/IP port number. This port must be configured on the WebSphere MQ queue manager.
Default 1414

Server Connection Channel Name

The name of the channel used for connection to the WebSphere MQ queue manager.

Information Value
Data type String
Range 1 through 20 ASCII characters

User ID

The user ID used, with the Password property, for authentication when connecting to the queue manager to define the queue destination.

If we specify a value for the User ID property, you must also specify a value for the Password property.

Information Value
Data type String


The password, used with the User ID property, for authentication when connecting to the queue manager to define the queue destination.

If we specify a value for the User ID property, you must also specify a value for the Password property.

Information Value
Data type String

Related tasks

  • Configure a queue for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider

  • Mapping of administrative console panel names to command names and WebSphere MQ names
    WebSphere MQ library Reference topic