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Map of administrative console panel names to command names and WebSphere MQ names

Use these tables to relate the names used in the administrative console panels to the names in the commands and the names used by WebSphere MQ.

The following tables list property mappings. Use these tables in conjunction with the WebSphere MQ information center to get more information on a particular property.

Note that not every WebSphere Application Server panel or command property maps to a WebSphere MQ property.

property mappings. The first column of this table shows the property names that appear on a WAS administrative console panel, and the second column shows the corresponding WebSphere Application Server command names. The third column shows the WebSphere MQ activation specification properties that the administrative console panel names
Name on WebSphere Application Server administrative console panel WebSphere Application Server command name WebSphere MQ activation specification property
Basic panel
Queue manager qmgrName queueManager
Queue manager (when used with CCDT) ccdtQmgrName queueManager
Transport wmqTransportType transportType
Host name qmgrHostname hostName
Port qmgrPortNumber port
Server connection channel qmgrSvrconnChannel channel
Destination JNDI name destinationJndiName destination
Message selector messageSelector messageSelector
Destination type destinationType destinationType
Durable subscription subscriptionDurability subscriptionDurability
Subscription name subscriptionName subscriptionName
Client ID clientID clientID
Provider version providerVersion providerVersion
Client channel definition table URL ccdtUrl ccdtURL
Allow cloned durable subscriptions clonedSubs cloneSupport
Connection name list connectionNameList connectionNameList
Advanced properties panel
Compress message headers compressHeaders headerCompression
Compression algorithm for message payloads compressPayload messageCompression
Retain messages, even if no matching consumer is available msgRetention messageRetention
Rescan interval rescanInterval rescanInterval
Maximum server sessions maxPoolSize maxPoolDepth
Start timeout startTimeout startTimeout
Server session pool timeout poolTimeout poolTimeout
Coded character set identifier ccsid CCSID
Fail JMS method calls if the queue manager is quiescing failIfQuiescing failIfQuiesce
Broker properties panel
Broker control queue brokerCtrlQueue brokerControlQueue
Broker durable subscriber connection consumer queue brokerCCDurSubQueue brokerCCDurSubQueue
Broker subscriber queue brokerSubQueue brokerSubQueue
Broker connection consumer subscription queue brokerCCSubQueue brokerCCSubQueue
Version brokerVersion brokerVersion
Specify where message selection occurs msgSelection messageSelection
Subscription store subStore subscriptionStore
Durable subscription state refresh interval stateRefreshInt statusRefreshInterval
Subscription cleanup level cleanupLevel cleanupLevel
Subscription cleanup interval cleanupInterval cleanupInterval
Subscription wildcard format wildcardFormat wildcardFormat
Optimize for sparse subscription patterns sparseSubs sparseSubscriptions
Broker queue manager brokerQmgr brokerQueueManager
Client transport properties panel
Certificate revocation list sslCrl sslCertStores
Peer name sslPeerName sslPeerName
Reset count sslResetCount sslResetCount
Receive exits rcvExit receiveExit
Receive exit initialization data rcvExitInitData receiveExitInit
Send exits sendExit sendExit
Send exit initialization data sendExitInitData sendExitInit
Security exit secExit securityExit
Security exit initialization data secExitInitData securityExitInit
Other properties that are only on commands

localAddress localAddress

mappings. This table shows how the connection factory property names that appear on a WAS administrative console panel, and the corresponding WebSphere Application Server command names map to WebSphere MQ JMS Admin short
Name on WebSphere Application Server administrative console panel WebSphere Application Server command name WebSphere MQ JMS Admin short name WebSphere MQ JMS Admin long name
Basic panel
Description description DESC DESCRIPTION
Queue manager qmgrName QMGR QMANAGER
Queue manager (when used with client channel definition table (CCDT)) ccdtQmgrName QMGR QMANAGER
Transport wmqTransportType TRAN TRANSPORT
Host name qmgrHostname HOST HOSTNAME
Port qmgrPortNumber PORT PORT
Server connection channel qmgrSvrconnChannel CHAN CHANNEL
Allow cloned durable subscriptions clonedSubs CLS CLONESUPP
Provider version providerVersion PVER PROVIDERVERSION
Client channel definition table URL ccdtUrl CCDT CCDTURL
Connection name list connectionNameList CNLIST CONNECTIONNAMELIST
Advanced properties panel
Client reconnect options clientReconnectOptions CROPT CLIENTRECONNECT OPTIONS
Client reconnect timeout clientReconnectTimeout CRT CLIENTRECONNECT TIMEOUT
Compress message headers compressHeaders HC COMPHDR
Compression algorithm for message payloads compressPayload MC COMPMSG
WebSphere MQ model queue name modelQueue TM TEMPMODEL
Temporary queue prefix tempQueuePrefix TQP TEMPQPREFIX
Temporary topic prefix tempTopicPrefix TTP TEMPTOPICPREFIX
Retain messages, even if no matching consumer is available msgRetention MRET MSGRETENTION
Polling interval pollingInterval PINT POLLINGINT
Rescan interval rescanInterval RINT RESCANINT
Maximum batch size maxBatchSize MBS MSGBATCHSZ
Coded character set identifier ccsid CCS CCSID
Append an RFH version 2 header to reply messages replyWithRFH2 TCM TARGCLIENTMATCHING
Fail JMS method calls if the queue manager is quiescing failIfQuiescing FIQ FAILIFQUIESCE
Broker properties panel
Broker control queue brokerCtrlQueue BCON BROKERCONQ
Broker publication queue brokerPubQueue BPUB BROKERPUBQ
Broker subscriber queue brokerSubQueue BSUB BROKERSUBQ
Broker connection consumer subscription queue brokerCCSubQueue CCSUB BROKERCCSUBQ
Version brokerVersion BVER BROKERVER
Specify where message selection occurs msgSelection MSEL MSGSELECTION
Subscription store subStore SS SUBSTORE
Durable subscription state refresh interval stateRefreshInt SRI STATREFRESHINT
Subscription cleanup level cleanupLevel CL CLEANUP
Subscription cleanup interval cleanupInterval CLINT CLEANUPINT
Subscription wildcard format wildcardFormat WCFMT WILDCARDFORMAT
Publish acknowledgement window pubAckInterval PAI PUBACKINT
Optimize for sparse subscription patterns sparseSubs SSUBS SPARSESUBS
Broker queue manager brokerQmgr BQM BROKERQMGR
Client transport properties panel
Certificate revocation list sslCrl CRL SSLCRL
Peer name sslPeerName SPEER SSLPEERNAME
Reset count sslResetCount SRC SSLRESETCOUNT
Receive exits rcvExit RCX RECEXIT
Receive exit initialization data rcvExitInitData RCXI RECEXITINIT
Send exits sendExit SDX SENDEXIT
Send exit initialization data sendExitInitData SDXI SENDEXITINIT
Security exit secExit SCX SECEXIT
Security exit initialization data secExitInitData SCXI SECEXITINIT
Other properties that are only on commands


a WAS administrative console panel, and the corresponding WebSphere Application Server command names map to WebSphere MQ JMS Admin short
Name on WebSphere Application Server administrative console panel WebSphere Application Server command name WebSphere MQ JMS Admin short name WebSphere MQ JMS Admin Long Name
Basic panel
Description description DESC DESCRIPTION
Queue name queueName QU QUEUE
Queue manager or Queue-sharing group name qmgr QMGR QMANAGER
Advanced properties panel
Persistence persistence PER PERSISTENCE
Priority priority PRI PRIORITY
Expiry expiry EXP EXPIRY
Coded character set identifier ccsid CCS CCSID
Native encoding/Integer encoding/Decimal encoding/Floating point encoding useNativeEncoding/integerEncoding/decimalEncoding/floatingPointEncoding ENC ENCODING
Append RFH version 2 headers to messages sent to this destination useRFH2 TC TARGCLIENT
Message body messageBody MBODY MSGBODY
ReplyTo destination style replyToDestinationStyle RTOST REPLYTOSTYLE
Asynchronously send messages to the queue manager sendAsync PAALD PUTASYNCALLOWED
Read ahead, and cache, non-persistent messages for consumers readAhead RAALD READAHEADALLOWED
Read ahead consumer close method readAheadClose RACP READAHEADCLOSE POLICY
MQMD read enabled mqmdReadEnabled MDR MDREAD
MQMD write enabled mqmdWriteEnabled MDW MDWRITE
MQMD message context mqmdMessageContext MDCTX MDMSGCTX

a WAS administrative console panel, and the corresponding WebSphere Application Server command names map to WebSphere MQ JMS Admin short
Name on WebSphere Application Server administrative console panel WebSphere Application Server command name WebSphere MQ JMS Admin short name WebSphere MQ JMS Admin long name
Basic panel
Description description DESC DESCRIPTION
Topic name topicName TOP TOPIC
Broker durable subscription queue brokerDurSubQueue BDSUB BROKERDURSUBQ
Broker durable subscriber connection consumer queue brokerCCDurSubQueue CCDSUB BROKERCCDURSUBQ
Broker publication queue brokerPubQueue BPUB BROKERPUBQ
Broker publication queue manager brokerPubQmgr BQM BROKERPUBQMGR
Advanced properties panel
Persistence persistence PER PERSISTENCE
Priority priority PRI PRIORITY
Expiry expiry EXP EXPIRY
Coded character set identifier ccsid CCS CCSID
Native encoding/Integer encoding/Decimal encoding/Floating point encoding useNativeEncoding/integerEncoding/decimalEncoding/floatingPointEncoding ENC ENCODING
Append RFH version 2 headers to messages sent to this destination useRFH2 TC TARGCLIENT
Message body messageBody MBODY MSGBODY
ReplyTo destination style replyToDestinationStyle RTOST REPLYTOSTYLE
Asynchronously send messages to the queue manager sendAsync PAALD PUTASYNCALLOWED
Read ahead, and cache, non-persistent messages for consumers readAhead RAALD READAHEADALLOWED
Read ahead consumer close method readAheadClose RACP READAHEADCLOSE POLICY
MQMD read enabled mqmdReadEnabled MDR MDREAD
MQMD write enabled mqmdWriteEnabled MDW MDWRITE
MQMD message context mqmdMessageContext MDCTX MDMSGCTX
Other properties that are only on commands


brokerVersion BVER BROKERVER

  • WMQAdminCommands (AdminTask)
    WebSphere MQ library Reference topic