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SIP external domains

The external domain detail panel configures the properties for external domain routing. To view this console page, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere proxy servers > proxy_server_name > SIP proxy settings > External Domains > New.


The SIP domain that is mapped to the protocol, host, and port specified in the fields on this panel. The SIP proxy server matches the domain found in the TO header of a SIP message to this value and uses the related information to connect to the specified SIP service.

Information Value
Range Valid SIP domain name, with the addition of an optional preceding * as a wildcard.
Set recommendations None


The protocol that the SIP proxy server uses to connect to the SIP service.

Information Value
Range TCP, SSL, and UDP
Default TCP
Set recommendations None

Distinguished name

The name that is associated with the external domain. Used when SSL client authentication is enabled to limit connections from an external domain.

Information Value
Range Any string
Default blank
Set recommendations None

Host name

The host name that the SIP proxy server uses to connect to the SIP service.

Information Value
Range Valid host name or IP address
Default blank
Set recommendations None


The port that the SIP proxy server uses to connect to the SIP service.

Information Value
Range 1 to 65535
Default blank
Set recommendations None

Related tasks

  • Trusting SIP messages from external domains

  • Proxy server collection