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EJB container settings

Use this page to configure and manage the EJB container of this application server. To view this console page, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name > EJB Container Settings > EJB container.

Passivation directory

Directory into which the container saves the persistent state of passivated stateful session beans. This directory must already exist. It is not automatically created.

Stateful session beans with an activation policy of TRANSACTION are passivated at the end of the transaction in which they are enlisted, and stateful session beans with an activation policy of ONCE (default) are passivated when the number of active bean instances becomes greater than the cache size specified in the container configuration. When a stateful bean is passivated, the container serializes the bean instance to a file in the passivation directory and discards the instance from the bean cache. If, at a later time, a request arrives for the passivated bean instance, the container retrieves it from the passivation directory, deserializes it, returns it to the cache, and dispatches the request to it. If any step fails (for example, if the bean instance is no longer in the passivation directory), the method invocation fails.

Inactive pool cleanup interval

Interval at which the container examines the pools of available bean instances to determine if some instances can be deleted to reduce memory usage. This setting is for all bean pools. Attention: Stateful session beans are NOT pooled, so this applies to stateless session and entity bean pools.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 30000
Units Milliseconds
Range 0 to 2 147 483 647

Default data source JNDI name

Specifies the JNDI name of a data source to use if no data source is specified during application deployment. This setting is not applicable for EJB 2.x-compliant CMP beans.

  • Servlets and enterprise beans use data sources to obtain these connections. When configuring a container, we can specify a default data source for the container. This data source becomes the default data source used by any entity beans installed in the container that use container-managed persistence (CMP).

    The default data source for a container is secure. When specifying it, provide a user ID and password for accessing the data source.

    Specify a default data source is optional if each CMP entity bean in the container has a data source specified in its configuration. If a default data source is not specified and a CMP entity bean is installed in the container without specifying a data source for that bean, applications cannot use that CMP entity bean.

    Enable stateful session bean failover using memory-to-memory replication

    Specifies that failover is enabled for all stateful session beans installed in this EJB container.

    This checkbox is disabled until you define a replication domain. This selection has a hyperlink to help configure the replication settings. If no replication domains are configured, the link takes you to a panel where we can create one. If at least one domain is configured, the link takes you to a panel where we can select the replication settings to be used by the EJB container.

    Information Value
    Data type Checkbox
    Default Unselected
    Range Selected or unselected.

    Initial state

    Execution state requested when the server first starts.

    Information Value
    Data type String
    Default Started
    Range Valid values are Started and Stopped

    Related concepts

  • EJB containers

    Related tasks

  • Manage EJB containers

    EJB cache settings

  • EJB container system properties
  • EJB timer service settings