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Application scoped resources

Use this page to view brief descriptions of the resources that are bundled with the application. We can view individual resource settings by clicking the resource name. To view this console page, click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > application_name > Application scoped resources.

The Application scoped resources link is not present if there are no application scoped resources.

Each table row corresponds to a resource bundled with the application. Click a resource name or the corresponding provider name to view an console page where we can edit the object configuration settings.


Administrative name that was assigned to this resource.

Click this name to view a page where we can edit the configuration settings.

JNDI name

Specifies the JNDI name of the resource.

Information Value
Data type String

Resource type

Type of resource, such as a data source or a J2C connection factory.


Resource provider that supplies the class information for this resource object.

Click the provider name to view a page where we can edit the configuration settings.


Specifies a text description of the resource.

Related tasks

  • Create or changing a resource reference