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Shared library collection

Use this page to define a list of shared library files that deployed applications can use. To view this console page, click Environment > Shared libraries.

Change the scope to see what shared libraries are in a particular node or server. By default, a shared library is accessible to applications deployed (or installed) on the same node as the shared library file. To change the scope, select the cell, a node, or a server under Scope.

On a multiple-server product, we also can select a cluster. To see the cluster scope, you first must create a cluster on the Server clusters page (Servers > Clusters > WebSphere application server clusters). The cluster scope limits the scope of a shared library to cluster members of a particular cluster.

Select a scope before you click New and create a shared library. After creating a shared library and map an application to the selected scope, we can associate the shared library with the application or its modules.


Name for the shared library.


Describes the shared library file.


Related tasks

  • Manage shared libraries

    Shared library settings

  • Administrative console scope settings