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Service integration high availability and workload sharing configurations

The configuration of messaging engines in service integration is very flexible. We can have a single messaging engine that does not provide high availability or workload sharing. With a cluster bus member, we can have a single highly available messaging engine. Alternatively, with a cluster bus member, we can have multiple messaging engines that share workload, or that share workload and also provide high availability.

The configurations that are possible depend on the type of bus member we create. If we create a server bus member, we can create only a simple configuration. If we create a cluster bus member, we can create any of the configurations in the previous list, depending on the number of messaging engines in the cluster and the behavior of those messaging engines. For more details, see the topic about bus member types and their effect on high availability and workload sharing.

For details and examples of the configurations we can create, see the subtopics.

Configure messaging engine behavior

To configure messaging engine behavior, add a cluster to a bus and use a predefined messaging engine policy. The predefined messaging engine policies support frequently-used cluster configurations, such as workload sharing and scalability, high availability, or a combination. You use messaging engine policy assistance, which creates one or more messaging engines and configures them to provide the required behavior. We can also use messaging engine policy assistance to set up a custom configuration. Messaging engine policy assistance guides you through the configuration and many of the settings are created automatically. For more information, see the topic about messaging engine policy assistance.

It is possible to add a cluster to a bus and configure the messaging engine behavior without using messaging engine policy assistance. Use this procedure if you are already familiar with it. Otherwise, use messaging engine policy assistance.

If we add a cluster to a bus without using messaging engine policy assistance, you configure a policy to control the availability behavior of the messaging engine on that bus member.

For more information about policies and configuration, see the topic about policies for service integration.

The following table shows how we can achieve different configurations without using messaging engine policy assistance.

first column of the table lists the different configurations available. The second column lists the types of bus members used in configuring the messaging engines. The third column displays the number of messaging engines used in the configuration. The fourth column lists the policy
Configuration Type of bus member Number of messaging engines Policy type
Simple Server 1 Default ("One of N")
Simple Cluster 1 Static
High availability Cluster 1 "One of N" or "No operation"
Workload sharing without high availability Cluster more than 1 (typically, one messaging engine for each server) Static
High availability and workload sharing Cluster more than 1 (typically, one messaging engine for each server) "One of N" or "No operation"


Related concepts

  • WebSphere Application Server high availability
  • Match criteria for service integration
  • Multiple-server bus with clustering

    Related tasks

  • Configure high availability and workload sharing of service integration
  • Add a cluster as a member of a bus
  • Create a policy for messaging engines
  • Configure shared durable subscriptions for a connection factory
  • Configure messaging engine failover for mixed version clusters

    Related information:

  • Messaging engine policy assistance
  • Messaging engine troubleshooting tips