Target group collection
Use this page to create and view groups of targets. Target groups make job submission easier because we can submit a job for a group of targets instead of a separate job for each target. To view this console page, click Jobs > Target groups.
Click Find to list target groups.
To create or delete a group, you must be authorized for the configurator role.
Specifies parameters to limit the groups of targets to display. After you click Find, the Find results are displayed in the table that follows the Find and preferences options. Click Reset to assign the parameters the default values.
Parameter name Operators Search strings Group name Valid operators are = (equal to) and != (not equal to). The default operator is =. String or partial string of a parameter. A partial string is designated using an asterisk (*). For example, setting the group name parameter to Region* finds all jobs with a group name that starts with Region. We can search on an exact match for multiple items by including the items to match separated by commas. For example, we can search on two group names by entering Region1, Region2. When you search on more than one item, we cannot use the asterisk. The default search string for group name is *.
Job type Valid operators are = (equal to), != (not equal to), is null, and is not null. The default operator is =. Description Maximum results Not applicable The search string specifies the number of records that the find operation displays. Enter a value between one and the maximum number of records that can be retrieved as defined in the job manager configuration. The default is 50.
Example: If we have already defined groups Region1, Region2, Center1, and Center2, we can specify the = operator and the Region* search string for the group name parameter. When you click Find, only groups Region1 and Region2 are displayed in the collection.
Group name
Name of the group.
Number of members in the group. A member is a target.
Specifies a description of the group.
- Target group settings
Use this page to view and set the description and members of a group of targets. Target groups make job submission easier because we can submit a job for a group of targets instead of a separate job for each target.
- Find targets
Use this page to build a list of targets that we can use to choose the targets on which we want the job to run. We can also find targets to add to a group of targets.
Related tasks
Administer nodes remotely using the job manager Administer groups of nodes for the job manager