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Remove the trust association interceptor class

Use wsadmin.sh to remove the trust association interceptor class.

Before starting this task, wsadmin.sh must be running. See the Start the wsadmin scripting client article for more information.

Use the following example as a Jacl script file and run it with the "-f" option:


set variableName "com.ibm.ws.security.web.TAMTrustAssociationInterceptorPlus"
set cellName $env(local.cell)
 foreach taiEntry [$AdminConfig list TAInterceptor] {
   set interceptorClass [lindex [$AdminConfig showAttribute $taiEntry interceptorClassName] 0]
   if { [string compare $interceptorClass $variableName] == 0 } {
       puts "found $interceptorClass"
       puts "Removing the TAIntercepter class '$interceptorClass'"
       set tai taiEntry
       #set t [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:$cellName/TAInterceptor:/]         #$AdminConfig remove $t
       $AdminConfig remove $taiEntry
       puts "'$interceptorClass' is removed."
 if { ![info exists tai] } {
    puts "The class '$variableName' does not exist."  }
 $AdminConfig save


Example output:
[root@svtaix23] /tmp
==>/usr/6*/A*/profiles/D*/bin/wsadmin.sh -f tai.jacl
 WASX7209I: Connected to process "dmgr" on node svtaix23CellManager01 using SOAP connector;   The type of process is: DeploymentManager
found com.ibm.ws.security.web.TAMTrustAssociationInterceptorPlus
Removing the TAIntercepter class 'com.ibm.ws.security.web.TAMTrustAssociationInterceptorPlus'
'com.ibm.ws.security.web.TAMTrustAssociationInterceptorPlus' is removed.

Related tasks

  • Use the wsadmin scripting AdminConfig object for scripted administration
  • Use the wsadmin scripting AdminControl object for scripted administration

  • Commands for the AdminConfig object
  • Commands for the AdminControl object