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Use the wsadmin scripting AdminControl object for scripted administration

The AdminControl scripting object is used for operational control. It communicates with MBeans that represent live objects running a WebSphere server process.

It includes commands to query existing running objects and their attributes and invoke operation on the running objects. In addition to the operational commands, the AdminControl object supports commands to query information on the connected server, convenient commands for client tracing, reconnecting to a server, and start and stop server for network deployment environment.

Many of the operational commands have two sets of signatures so that they can either invoke using string based parameters or using Java Management Extension (JMX) objects as parameters. Depending on the server process to which a scripting client is connected, the number and type of MBeans available varies. When connected to an application server, only MBeans running in that application server are visible.

If a scripting client is connected to a deployment manager, then all MBeans in all server processes are visible. If a scripting client is connected to a node agent, all MBeans in all server processes on that node are accessible.

The following steps provide a general method to manage the cycle of an application:

To see a list of all available commands for the AdminControl object:


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  • Synchronize nodes using wsdmin.sh

  • Commands for the AdminControl object