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Configure applications for session management

This task provides an example that uses the AdminConfig object to configure a session manager for the application.

An application must be installed on a running server.

We can use the AdminConfig object to set configurations in an application. Some configuration settings are not available through the AdminConfig object.

  1. Start the wsadmin scripting tool.

  2. Identify the deployment configuration object for the application and assign it to the deployment variable.

    This step is not needed for an OSGi application. See Add an EBA asset to a composition unit using wsadmin commands and Modify the configuration of an EBA composition unit using wsadmin commands. For example:

    • Jacl:

        set deployments [$AdminConfig getid /Deployment:myApp/]

    • Jython:

      deployments = AdminConfig.getid('/Deployment:myApp/')
      print deployments


    Element Description
    set is a Jacl command
    deployments is a variable name
    $ is a Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
    AdminConfig is an object representing the WAS configuration
    getid is an AdminConfig command
    Deployment is an attribute
    myApp is the value of the attribute

    Example output:


  3. Retrieve the application deployment object and assign it to the appDeploy variable. For example:

    • Jacl:

        set appDeploy [$AdminConfig showAttribute $deployments deployedObject]

    • Jython:

      appDeploy = AdminConfig.showAttribute(deployments, 'deployedObject')
      print appDeploy

    For an OSGi application, use the following jython code for this step:

      appDeploy = AdminTask.getOSGiApplicationDeployedObject('-cuName cu_name')


    command elements. Run the set command to assign the deployment
    Element Description
    set is a Jacl command
    appDeploy is a variable name
    $ is a Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
    AdminConfig is an object that represents the WAS configuration
    showAttribute is an AdminConfig command
    deployments evaluates the ID of the deployment object specified in step number 1
    deployedObject is an attribute
    cu_name is the name of the composition unit

    Example output:


  4. To obtain a list of attributes that we can set for a session manager, use the attributes command. For example:

    • Jacl:

        $AdminConfig attributes SessionManager

    • Jython:


    Element Description
    $ is a Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
    AdminConfig is an object that represents the WAS configuration
    attributes is an AdminConfig command
    SessionManager is an attribute

    Example output:

    "accessSessionOnTimeout Boolean"
    "allowSerializedSessionAccess Boolean"
    "context ServiceContext@"
    "defaultCookieSettings Cookie"
    "enable Boolean"
    "enableCookies Boolean"
    "enableProtocolSwitchRewriting Boolean"
    "enableSSLTracking Boolean"
    "enableSecurityIntegration Boolean"
    "enableUrlRewriting Boolean"
    "maxWaitTime Integer"
    "properties Property(TypedProperty)*"
    "sessionDRSPersistence DRSSettings"
    "sessionDatabasePersistence SessionDatabasePersistence"
    "sessionPersistenceMode ENUM(DATABASE, DATA_REPLICATION, NONE)"
    "tuningParams TuningParams"

    When you configure an application for session management, IBM recommends specified each attribute.

    Avoid trouble: If we are setting up the session management attributes for a cluster, you must also update the targetMappings element of the AdminConfig object for the cluster before the settings specified for the sessionManagment element become effective. If we do not update the targetMappings element, the settings are not effective even though they appear in the deployment.xml file.gotcha

  5. Set up the attributes for the session manager.

    The following example sets four top-level attributes in the session manager. We can modify the example to set other attributes of the session manager, including the nested attributes in DRSSettings, SessionDataPersistence, and TuningParms object types.

    The session manager requires set both the defaultCookieSettings and tuningParams attributes before you initialize an application. If we do not set these attributes, the session manager cannot initialize the application, and the application does not start. gotcha

    To list the attributes for those object types, use the attributes command of the AdminConfig object.

    • Jacl:

      set attr1 [list enableSecurityIntegration true]
      set attr2 [list maxWaitTime 30]
      set attr3 [list sessionPersistenceMode NONE]
      set kuki [list maximumAge -1]
      set cookie [list $kuki]
      Set cookieSettings [list defaultCookieSettings $cookie]
      set attrs [list $attr1 $attr2 $attr3 $cookieSettings]
      set sessionMgr [list sessionManagement $attrs]

      Example output using Jacl:

        sessionManagement {{enableSecurityIntegration true} {maxWaitTime 30} {sessionPersistenceMode NONE} {defaultCookieSettings {{maximumAge -1}}}}

    • Jython:

      attr1 = ['enableSecurityIntegration', 'true']
      attr2 = ['maxWaitTime', 30]
      attr3 = ['sessionPersistenceMode', 'NONE']
      kuki = ['maximumAge', -1]  cookie = [kuki]  cookieSettings = ['defaultCookieSettings', cookie]  attrs = [attr1, attr2, attr3, cookieSettings]
      sessionMgr = [['sessionManagement', attrs]]

      Example output using Jython:

        [[sessionManagement, [[enableSecurityIntegration, true], [maxWaitTime, 30], [sessionPersistenceMode, NONE], [defaultCookieSettings [[maximumAge, -1]]]]


    Element Description
    set is a Jacl command
    attr1, attr2, attr3, attrs, sessionMgr are variable names
    $ is a Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
    enableSecurityIntegration is an attribute
    true is a value of the enableSecurityIntegration attribute
    maxWaitTime is an attribute
    30 is a value of the maxWaitTime attribute
    sessionPersistenceMode is an attribute
    NONE is a value of the sessionPersistenceMode attribute

  6. Perform one of the following:

    • Create the session manager for the application. For example:

      • Jacl:

          print AdminConfig.create('ApplicationConfig', appDeploy, sessionMgr)

      • Jython:


      Element Description
      $ is a Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
      AdminConfig is an object that represents the WAS configuration
      create is an AdminConfig command
      ApplicationConfig is an attribute
      appDeploy evaluates the ID of the deployed application specified in step number 2
      list is a Jacl command
      sessionMgr evaluates the ID of the session manager specified in step number 4

      Example output:


    • If a session manager already exists, use the modify command of the AdminConfig object to update the configuration of the session manager. For example:

      • Jacl:

        set configs [lindex [$AdminConfig showAttribute $appDeploy configs] 0]
        set appConfig [lindex $configs 0]
        set SM [$AdminConfig showAttribute $appConfig sessionManagement]
        $AdminConfig modify $SM $attrs

      • Jython:

        configs = AdminConfig.showAttribute (appDeploy, 'configs')
        appConfig = configs[1:len(configs)-1]  SM = AdminConfig.showAttribute (appConfig, 'sessionManagement')  AdminConfig.modify (SM, attrs)

  7. Save the configuration changes.

    Use the following command example to save the configuration changes:

  8. Synchronize the node.

    Use the syncActiveNode or syncNode scripts in the AdminNodeManagement script library to propagate the configuration changes to node or nodes.

    • Use the syncActiveNodes script to propagate the changes to each node in the cell:


    • Use the syncNode script to propagate the changes to a specific node:


Related concepts

  • Session management support

    Related tasks

  • Start the wsadmin scripting client
  • Configure applications for session management in web modules
  • Configure session management by level
  • Develop session management in servlets
  • Use the script library to automate the application serving environment
  • Use the wsadmin scripting AdminConfig object for scripted administration