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Listing running applications on running servers

Use wsadmin.sh and scripting to list all the running applications on all the running servers.

Before starting this task, wsadmin.sh must be running. See the topic about starting the wsadmin scripting client for more information.

Use the following example to list all the running applications on all the running servers on each node of each cell.


Example output:

Number of running servers on node mynode: 2
mynode (NodeAgent) has pid 3592; state: STARTED; on Windows Vista
Number of applications running on mynode: 0
 server1 (ManagedProcess) has pid 3972; state: STARTED; on Windows Vista
Number of applications running on server1: 0
 Number of running servers on node mynodeManager: 1
dmgr (DeploymentManager) has pid 3308; state: STARTED; on Windows Vista
Number of applications running on dmgr: 2

Related tasks

  • Use the wsadmin scripting AdminConfig object for scripted administration
  • Use the wsadmin scripting AdminControl object for scripted administration
  • Start the wsadmin scripting client

  • Commands for the AdminConfig object
  • Commands for the AdminControl object