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Configure EJB containers using wsadmin

We can use the AdminConfig object or the wsadmin script library to configure EJB containers in the configuration.

There are two ways to perform this task. Complete the steps in this topic to use the AdminConfig object to modify the EJB container configuration. Alternatively, we can use the configureEJBContainer Jython script in the AdminServerManagement script library to configure EJB containers. The wsadmin tool automatically loads the script when the tool starts. Use the following syntax to configure EJB containers using the configureEJBContainer script:

For additional information and argument definitions, see the documentation for the AdminServerManagement script library.

  1. Start the wsadmin scripting tool.

  2. Identify the application server of interest.

    The following examples identify the application server and assign it to the serv1 variable:

    • Jacl:

        set serv1 [$AdminConfig getid /Cell:mycell/Node:mynode/Server:server1/]

    • Jython:

      serv1 = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:mycell/Node:mynode/Server:server1/')
      print serv1

    The previous commands consist of the following elements:

    Element Description
    set Jacl command
    serv1 Variable name
    $ Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
    AdminConfig Object representing the application server configuration
    getid AdminConfig command
    /Cell:mycell/Node:mynode/Server:server1/ The hierarchical containment path of the configuration object
    Cell Object type
    mycell Optional name of the object
    Node Object type
    mynode Optional name of the object
    Server Object type
    server1 Optional name of the object

    Example output:


  3. Identify the EJB container that belongs to the server.

    The following example identifies the EJB container for the server of interest and assigns it to the ejbc1 variable:

    • Jacl:

        set ejbc1 [$AdminConfig list EJBContainer $serv1]

    • Jython:

      ejbc1 = AdminConfig.list('EJBContainer', serv1)
      print ejbc1

    The previous commands consist of the following elements:

    Element Description
    set Jacl command
    ejbc1 Variable name
    $ Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
    AdminConfig The object that represents the application server configuration
    list AdminConfig command
    EJBContainer The object type

    The name of the object type specified is the one based on the XML configuration files and does not have to be the same name that the console displays.

    serv1 Evaluates to the ID of the server of interest

    Example output:


  4. View each of the attributes of the EJB container.

    The following example displays the EJB container attributes but does not display nested attributes:

    • Jacl:

        $AdminConfig show $ejbc1

      Example output:

      {cacheSettings (cells/mycell/nodes/mynode/servers/
      {components {}}
      {inactivePoolCleanupInterval 30000}
      {parentComponent (cells/mycell/nodes/mynode/servers/
      {passivationDirectory ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/temp}
      {properties {}}
      {services {(cells/mycell/nodes/mynode/servers/
      {stateManagement (cells/mycell/nodes/mynode/servers/

    • Jython:

        print AdminConfig.show(ejbc1)

      Example output:

      [cacheSettings (cells/mycell/nodes/myode/servers/
      [components []]
      [inactivePoolCleanupInterval 30000]
      [parentComponent (cells/mycell/nodes/myode/servers/
      [passivationDirectory ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/temp]
      [properties []]
      [services [(cells/mycell/nodes/myode/servers/
      [stateManagement (cells/mycell/nodes/mynode/servers/
      The previous commands consist of the following elements:

      Element Description
      $ Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
      print Jython command
      AdminConfig The object that represents the application server configuration
      showall AdminConfig command
      ejbc1 evaluates to the ID of the enterprise bean container

    The following example displays the EJB container attributes, including nested attributes:

    • Jacl:

        $AdminConfig showall $ejbc1

      Example output:

      {cacheSettings {{cacheSize 2053}
        {cleanupInterval 3000}}}
      {components {}}
      {inactivePoolCleanupInterval 30000}
      {parentComponent (cells/mycell/nodes/mynode/servers/
      {passivationDirectory ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/temp}
      {properties {}}
      {services {{{context (cells/mycell/nodes/mynode/servers/
        {listenerPorts {}}
        {properties {}}
        {threadPool {{inactivityTimeout 3500}
          {isGrowable false}
          {maximumSize 50}
          {minimumSize 10}}}}}}
      {stateManagement {{initialState START}
        {managedObject (cells/mycell/nodes/mynode/servers/

    • Jython:

        print AdminConfig.showall(ejbc1)

      Example output:

      [cacheSettings [[cacheSize 2053]
        [cleanupInterval 3000]]]
      [components []]
      [inactivePoolCleanupInterval 30000]
      [parentComponent (cells/mycell/nodes/mynode/servers/
      [passivationDirectory ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/temp]
      [properties []]
      [services [[[context (cells/mycell/nodes/mynode/servers/
        [listenerPorts []]
        [properties []]
        [threadPool [[inactivityTimeout 3500]
          [isGrowable false]
          [maximumSize 50]
          [minimumSize 10]]]]]]
      [stateManagement {{initialState START]
        [managedObject (cells/mycell/nodes/mynode/servers/
      The previous commands consist of the following elements:

      Element Description
      $ Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
      print Jython command
      AdminConfig The object that represents the application server configuration
      showall AdminConfig command
      ejbc1 evaluates to the ID of the enterprise bean container

  5. Modify the attributes.

    The following example modifies the enterprise bean cache settings and it includes nested attributes:

    • Jacl:

        $AdminConfig modify $ejbc1 {{cacheSettings {{cacheSize 2500} {cleanupInterval 3500}}}}

    • Jython:

        AdminConfig.modify(ejbc1, [['cacheSettings', [['cacheSize', 2500], ['cleanupInterval', 3500]]]])

      The previous commands consist of the following elements:

      elements. The following table explains elements in the
      Element Description
      $ Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
      AdminConfig The object that represents the application server configuration
      modify AdminConfig command
      ejbc1 Evaluates to the ID of the enterprise bean container
      cacheSettings The attribute of modify objects
      cacheSize The attribute of modify objects
      2500 The value of the cacheSize attribute
      cleanupInterval The attribute of modify objects
      3500 The value of the cleanupInterval attribute

    The following example modifies the cleanup interval attribute:

    • Jacl:

        $AdminConfig modify $ejbc1 {{inactivePoolCleanupInterval 15000}}

    • Jython:

        AdminConfig.modify(ejbc1, [['inactivePoolCleanupInterval', 15000]])

      The previous commands consist of the following elements:

      elements. The following table explains elements in the
      Element Description
      $ Jacl operator for substituting a variable name with its value
      AdminConfig The object that represents the application server configuration
      modify AdminConfig command
      ejbc1 Evaluates to the ID of the enterprise bean container
      inactivePoolCleanupInterval The attribute of modify objects
      15000 The value of the inactivePoolCleanupInterval attribute

  6. Save the changes.

    Use the following command example to save the configuration changes:


Related concepts

  • EJB containers

    Related tasks

  • Manage EJB containers
  • Modify nested attributes using wsdmin.sh
  • Configure servers

  • Commands for the AdminConfig object
  • Server settings configuration scripts