Administer jobs in a flexible management environment
Use the flexible management environment to locally or remotely submit and manage administrative jobs. We can use the job manager to manage applications, modify configurations, and control the application server run time.
We can administer multiple application servers that run customer applications from a management profile containing an administrative agent. The administrative agent provides a single administrative console to administer the application servers.
We can coordinate management actions among multiple deployment managers, asynchronously administer multiple unfederated application servers, and submit jobs to start servers from a management profile containing a job manager. To begin using the job manager to run jobs, register the application server and deployment manager nodes as managed nodes of the job manager.
Use the following steps to use a flexible management environment:
- Create an administrative agent management node.
- Create a job manager management node.
- Register application server and deployment manager nodes as managed nodes on the job manager.
- Create managed node groups to submit administrative jobs across nodes.
- Submit administrative jobs.
- Monitor job progress.
- Manage the flexible management configuration.
- Registering nodes with the job manager using commands
Configure the flexible management environment by registering application servers that are registered with administrative agents, or by registering deployment managers as nodes on the job manager. After you register nodes with the job manager, we can submit and manage jobs.
- Grouping nodes in a flexible management environment
Define groups of nodes to simplify large environment configurations. Node groups allow you to submit jobs to multiple nodes.
- Run administrative jobs
Use this topic to submit and track administrative jobs in a flexible management environment .
- Run administrative jobs across multiple nodes
Use this topic to run administrative jobs across multiple nodes in a flexible management environment .
- Scheduling future administrative jobs
Use this topic to schedule future recurring administrative jobs in a flexible management environment .
- Manage administrative jobs
Use and the commands in the AdministrativeJobs command group to manage administrative jobs in the flexible management environment.
- Administrative job types
In a flexible management environment, we can use to submit administrative jobs to the job manager. This topic provides detailed information about the administrative jobs, the job parameters, and sample command syntax.
- AdministrativeJobs (AdminTask)
We can use the Jython scripting language to configure and manage administrative jobs with
- ManagedNodeGroup (AdminTask) (deprecated)
We can use the Jython scripting language to configure managed node groups with Use commands in the ManagedNodeGroup command group to create and manage node groups. Create managed node groups to submit jobs from the job manager to one or many managed nodes.
- TargetGroup (AdminTask)
We can use the Jython scripting language to configure target groups with Use commands in the TargetGroup command group to create and manage target groups. Create target groups to submit jobs from the job manager to one or many targets. Commands in the TargetGroup command group provide function that replaces deprecated commands in the ManagedNodeGroup command group.
- ManagedNodeAgent (AdminTask)
We can use the Jython scripting language to configure the job manager with Use commands in the ManagedNodeAgent group to configure, query, and manage your job manager configuration for managed nodes.
- JobManagerNode (AdminTask)
We can use the Jython scripting language to manage job manager settings with Use commands in the JobManagerNode group to register targets that do not contain an administrative agent with the job manager.
- JobManagerUpkeep (AdminTask)
We can use the Jython scripting language to manage job manager settings with Use commands in the JobManagerUpkeep group to back up the job manager database.
Related concepts
Administrative agent Job manager
Related tasks
Administer nodes remotely using the job manager