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Set up and deploying a new UDDI registry

A UDDI registry node consists of the UDDI registry application (an enterprise application supplied as part of WAS), a store of data (using a relational database management system) referred to as the UDDI database, and a means to connect the application to the data (a data source and related elements). To set up a new UDDI registry, we create the UDDI database and data source, and deploy the supplied application.

Start WebSphere Application Server, and create a server to host the UDDI registry. Use the starting and stopping quick reference information for information about starting WebSphere Application Server using either commands or the console.

The subtopics describe how to create the UDDI database (which can be local or remote) and data source, and how to deploy the UDDI registry application.

We can create either a default UDDI node or a customized UDDI node. The main difference between the two nodes is the number of mandatory UDDI registry properties, such as the UDDI node ID and description, and the prefix to use for generated discovery URLs.

Default UDDI node

The mandatory properties are automatically set to default values and we cannot change them. A default UDDI node is a suitable option for initial evaluation of the UDDI registry, and for development and test purposes.

Customized UDDI node

Set the mandatory properties. After these properties are set, we cannot change them for this configuration. With a customized UDDI node, we have more control over the database management system used for the UDDI database, and the properties used to set up the UDDI database. With a customized UDDI node, we create the UDDI database and data source to our own specifications before deploying the UDDI registry application. A customized node is a suitable option for production purposes. To move from a default UDDI node to a customized UDDI node, see Change the UDDI registry application environment after deployment.


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  • Start and stop quick reference