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Create a data source for the UDDI registry

We create a data source so that the UDDI registry can use it to access the UDDI database.

We must have already created the database for the UDDI registry. The following steps assume that if you are installing into a cluster, all members of the cluster use a single database.

(dist) Note: To connect to a remote DB2 database on the z/OS operating system, you must have a DB2 Connectâ„¢ license installed. See the DB2 documentation for more information.

Complete this task as part of setting up and deploying a new UDDI registry. The UDDI registry uses the data source to access the UDDI database.

  1. Optional: For network Apache Derby, create a Java 2 Connector (J2C) authentication data entry. This step is not required for embedded Apache Derby.

    1. Click Security > Global security > [Authentication] Java Authentication and Authorization Service > J2C authentication data.

    2. Click New to create a new J2C authentication data entry.

    3. Enter the following details:


      A suitable short name, for example UDDIAlias.


      The database user ID, for example db2admin for DB2, or IBMUDDI for Oracle, which is used to read and write to the UDDI registry database. For network Apache Derby, the user ID can be any value.

      (dist) For a remote DB2 database on the z/OS operating system, the user ID must be one that is valid on the remote system.

      (zos) The database user ID, for example db2admin for DB2, which is used to read and write to the UDDI registry database. For network Apache Derby, the user ID can be any value.


      The password that is associated with the user ID specified previously. For network Apache Derby, the password can be any value.


      A description of the user ID.

      Click Apply, then save the changes to the master configuration.

  2. Create a JDBC provider, if a suitable one does not already exist, using the following table to determine the provider type and implementation type for the chosen database.

    Database Provider type Implementation type
    (dist) DB2 DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider Connection pool data source
    (iseries) DB2 DB2 UDB for iSeries (Native) Connection pool data source
    (zos) DB2 DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider Connection pool data source
    (dist)(iseries) Oracle Oracle JDBC Driver Connection pool data source
    Embedded Apache Derby Derby JDBC Driver Connection pool data source
    Network Apache Derby Derby Network Server JDBC Driver provider Connection pool data source
    Microsoft SQL Server DataDirect Connect JDBC Driver

    Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver

    Connection pool data source

    For a UDDI node in a cluster, select cluster as the scope of the JDBC provider. For details about how to create a JDBC provider, see the topic about configuring a JDBC provider using the administrative console.

  3. Create the data source for the UDDI registry:

    1. Click Resources > JDBC > JDBC Providers.

    2. Select the scope of the JDBC provider selecteded or created earlier, that is, the level at which the JDBC provider is defined. For example, for a JDBC provider defined at the level of server1, select the following:

        Node=Node01, Server=server1

      All the JDBC providers defined at the selected scope are displayed.

    3. Select the JDBC provider created earlier.

    4. Under Additional Properties, select Data sources. Do not select the Data sources (WebSphere Application Server V4) option.

    5. Click New to create a new data source.

    6. In the Create a data source wizard, enter the following data:


      A suitable name, for example UDDI Datasource.

      JNDI name

      Enter datasources/uddids. This is a mandatory field.

      We must not have any other data sources that use this JNDI name. If another data source uses this JNDI name, you must either remove it or change its JNDI name. For example, if created a default UDDI node previously that uses an Apache Derby database, before continuing, use the uddiRemove.jacl script with the default option to remove the data source and the UDDI application instance.

      Component-managed authentication alias

      • For DB2, Oracle, or network Apache Derby, select the alias created in step 2. The alias is prefixed by the node name, for example MyNode/UDDIAlias.

      • For embedded Apache Derby, select (none).

    7. Click Next.

    8. On the database-specific properties page of the wizard, enter the following data:

      • For DB2:

        (dist) Database name

        The name of the database, for example UDDI30.

        For a remote database on a distributed system, the database name is the alias created to reference the database. See Create a DB2 distributed database.

        For a remote DB2 database on the z/OS operating system, the database name is the local LOCATION value. To find this value, enter the operator command -DIS DDF at the console, or ask the DB2 administrator for the information. This value is case sensitive.

        (iseries) Database name

        The name of the database, for example *LOCAL.

        (zos) Database name

        The local LOCATION value. To find this value, enter the operator command -DIS DDF at the console, or ask the DB2 administrator for the information. This value is case sensitive.

        For a remote database, the database name is the alias created to reference the database. See Creating a DB2 distributed database.

        (dist) Driver type

        This value is required only for a remote DB2 database on the z/OS operating system. Set this value to 4.

        (zos) Driver type

        Set this value to 4.

        (dist) Server name

        This value is required only for a remote DB2 database on the z/OS operating system. Set to the IP address of the remote machine that hosts the database. To find this value, enter the -DIS DDF operator command at the console, or ask the DB2 administrator for the information.

        (zos) Server name

        Set to the IP address of the machine that hosts the database. To find this value, enter the -DIS DDF operator command at the console, or ask the DB2 administrator for the information.

        (dist) Port number

        This value is required only for a remote DB2 database on the z/OS operating system. Set to the port that the DB2 database listens on. To find this value, enter the -DIS DDF operator command at the console, or ask the DB2 administrator for the information.

        (zos) Port number

        Set to the port that the DB2 database listens on. To find this value, enter the -DIS DDF operator command at the console, or ask the DB2 administrator for the information.

      • For Oracle:


        The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the database from which the datasource obtains connections, for example jdbc:oracle:oci8:@Oracle_database_name.

        (dist)(zos) This example applies to local and remote Oracle databases.

      • For Apache Derby (embedded or network):

        (dist)(zos) Database name

        The name of the database, for example:


        (iseries) Database name

        The name of the database, for example:


        For network Apache Derby, ensure that the Server name and Port number values match the network server.

        Leave all other fields unchanged.

      Use this Data Source in container-managed persistence (CMP)

      Ensure that the check box is cleared.

    9. Click Next, then check the summary and click Finish.

    10. Click the data source to display its properties, and add the following information:


      A description of the data source.


      Enter uddi.

      Data store helper class name

      This value is provided automatically:

      Database Data store helper class name
      (dist) DB2 com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.DB2DataStoreHelper, or com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.DB2UniversalDataStoreHelper if you are using a remote DB2 database on the z/OS operating system
      (iseries) DB2 com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.DB2AS400DataStoreHelper
      (zos) DB2 com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.DB2UniversalDataStoreHelper
      (dist)(iseries) Oracle 11g com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.Oracle11gDataStoreHelper
      Embedded Apache Derby com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.DerbyDataStoreHelper
      Network Apache Derby com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.DerbyNetworkServerDataStoreHelper
      (dist) Microsoft SQL Server com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.ConnectJDBCDataStoreHelper


      Mapping-configuration alias

      Select DefaultPrincipalMapping.

    11. (dist)(zos) Click Apply and save the changes to the master configuration.

    12. (iseries) Click Apply.

    13. (iseries) Select Additional Properties > Custom Properties > libraries.

    14. (iseries) Enter IBMUDI30,IBMUDS30 in the Value field and click OK.

    15. (iseries) Save the changes to the master configuration.

  4. Test the connection to the UDDI database by selecting the check box next to the data source and clicking Test connection. A message similar to Test Connection for datasource UDDI Datasource on server server1 at node Node01 was successful is displayed. If a different message is displayed, use the information in that message to investigate and resolve the problem.

What to do next

Continue with setting up and deploying the UDDI registry node.

Related tasks

  • Configure a JDBC provider using the administrative console