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Configure web applications to service remote includes

We can configure web modules in an application as remote request dispatcher servers that are remotely included by other web applications.

We must have WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment installed to use remote request dispatcher function. You should also familiarize yourself the limitations of remote request dispatcher. See article, Remote request dispatcher considerations, for details.

The purpose of this task is to specify whether an application can service an include request from another application. We can also configure this property when you install the application installation. Some statement about the process used to arrive here. See article, Installing enterprise application files with the console, for more information.

  1. In the console, click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > application_name > Request dispatcher properties.

  2. Select Allow servicing includes from remote resources.


Web modules included in this application are enabled as remote request dispatcher servers that are resolved to service remote includes from another application.

What to do next

We must enable remote request dispatcher on both the remote server and local server to use remote request dispatcher. If we have not yet enabled remote request dispatcher on the local server to include a remote resource, see article, Configuring web applications to dispatch remote includes, for more information.

Related concepts

  • Remote request dispatcher

    Related tasks

  • Configure web applications to dispatch remote includes
  • Install enterprise application files with the console

  • Remote dispatcher property settings
  • Remote request dispatcher considerations