Use patterns for WS-ReliableMessaging
Links to descriptions of the use patterns that motivate WS-ReliableMessaging. Each use pattern description includes an overview of the business problem, of the technical solution without WS-ReliableMessaging, of the shortcomings of this solution, and of how we can use WS-ReliableMessaging to overcome these shortcomings.
Historically, most business-to-business integration has been implemented on a point-to-point basis. However this situation is rapidly changing and hub-and-spoke is becoming more important, particularly for supply chain use patterns. The point-to-point use pattern is also important because, although the eventual goal might be to implement a business-to-business hub, you might nonetheless begin with point-to-point prototypes and proofs of concept.
For a description of each use pattern, see the following topics:
- Assured delivery for B2B web services: point-to-point use pattern.
- Assured delivery for B2B web services: hub-and-spoke use pattern.
- Interoperation with other WS-ReliableMessaging providers: use pattern.
- Assured delivery for B2B web services: point-to-point use pattern
In this use pattern, a manufacturer sells its products through a network of affiliated dealerships. This manufacturer has initiated a pilot project to improve the IT integration between its own retail organization and half a dozen of the largest, most important dealerships.
- Assured delivery for B2B web services: hub-and-spoke use pattern
In this use pattern, a manufacturer is looking for more than the ability to conduct transactions electronically with a fixed set of partners; the manufacturer needs a service that provides visibility to their inventory levels, so that the suppliers can manage their own product and inventory levels accordingly.
- Interoperation with other WS-ReliableMessaging providers: use pattern
Web services enable interoperability between heterogeneous platforms. This requirement arises whenever an organization finds itself with applications on one platform (for example WebSphere Application Server) that must work with applications on another platform, whether as a result of merger and acquisition activity, of a deliberate multi-vendor strategy, or as a result of independent software purchasing decisions taken in different parts of the business.
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