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View web services deployment descriptors in the administrative console

We can view the web services client and server deployment descriptors for a deployed web services application. We can view the bindings in the deployment descriptors.

Before we can view the deployment descriptors, we need to complete all tasks required to implement a JAX-RPC web service, create the deployment descriptor templates that were generated by the WSDL2Java command-line tool, configure the deployment descriptors and bindings, and deploy the Web service application into WebSphere Application Server. Review the implementing web services application documentation for more information on developing and implementing web services.

Deployment descriptors contain the information needed by a web services client to communicate with the server for which the Web services is installed. This information is added to the deployment descriptor templates after a web service is developed or an existing web service is located. The data that we can view in the deployment descriptor includes the following:

After we have developed a web service containing all the necessary artifacts, created the deployment descriptors from the deployment descriptor templates, configured the deployment descriptors, and deployed the web services application into WebSphere Application Server; now we can view the deployment descriptors and bindings in the administrative console.

Similar to JAX-RPC web services, we can use deployment descriptors to describe JAX-WS web services. For JAX-WS web services, using webservices.xml is optional. We can use annotations to specify all of the information contained within the deployment descriptor file. Use the deployment descriptor file to augment or override existing JAX-WS annotations. Information defined in webservices.xml overrides any corresponding information specified by annotations.

  1. Open the administrative console.

  2. Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > application_name > Manage Modules.

    • Click View web services client deployment descriptor extension.

    • Click View web services server deployment descriptor.

    • Click View web services server deployment descriptor extension.

  3. Click Expand All to view the deployment descriptor contents.

  4. Verify deployment descriptor and bindings configurations.

What to do next

You have viewed and verified the deployment descriptors and bindings for the web services application.

Related tasks

  • Develop a webservices.xml deployment descriptor for JAX-WS applications

    (dist)(zos) Configure webservices.xml for JAX-RPC web services

    (dist)(zos) Configure the ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi deployment descriptor for JAX-RPC web services

    (dist)(zos) Configure webservices.xml for handler classes

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    (dist)(zos) Configure the JAX-RPC client deployment descriptor for handler classes

    (dist)(zos) Task overview: Implement web services applications