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Deploy SIP applications through the console

We can deploy a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) application through the console.

SIP applications are deployed as Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) applications. To process requests, a virtual host must be defined when deploying the SIP application. If there is no virtual host defined for the configured SIP container listen port, the installed application will be inaccessible.

  1. Open the console.

    In a browser, go to URL http://hostname:9090/admin, where hostname is the name of the host computer. Enter the appropriate login information, and click OK.

  2. Click Applications > Install New Application.

  3. Browse and select a SAR file. Specify the context root, beginning with a slash (/), in the Context Root field. For example, if the application is named ThisApplication, type /ThisApplication.

  4. Click Next (under the Context Root field not for the the WebSphere Status title). If the SAR file has been assembled correctly, the screen will still have the title "Preparing for the application installation", but the content will change. If an error message appears, check the contents of the SAR file; in particular, verify the web.xml file contents, and try to reload the SAR file.

  5. Click Next. If we see a screen indicating "Application Security Warnings", click Continue.

  6. The Install New Application screen should appear with "Step 1: Select application options" highlighted. Select the options we need and click Next.

  7. "Step 2: Map modules to servers" should appear highlighted now. We can choose the cluster or server where to install the application's modules.

    • If we are installing the application in a stand-alone system, click Next.

    • If we are installing the application in a clustered system, select WebSphere:cell=cellname,cluster=cluster_name in the Clusters and Servers field, select the check box for the web module to install, and click Apply and Next.

  8. Now "Step 3: Map virtual hosts for web modules" should appear highlighted. Next to the application name there should be a drop-down labeled Virtual Host.

    • If we are installing the application in a stand-alone system, set the value of the drop-down to default_host, and click Next.

    • If we are installing the application in a clustered system, set the value of the drop-down to the name of the virtual host that was chosen during setup, and click Next.

    Remember: We must define a virtual host for your configured SIP container listen port or else you will not be able to access the application.

  9. You should now see "Step 4: Summary" highlighted. You will see a Summary of installation options table that details the selected options and their values. If we need to change an option, click Previous to return to the section where we can make the change. Click Finish to install the application with the settings. The screen should display, Application appname_sar installed successfully, where appname is the name of the application.

  10. Click the Save to Master Configuration link. A Save to Master Configuration window appears.

  11. In the Save to Master Configuration window, click Save. The application has now been saved in the current configuration.

  12. To confirm that the installation succeeded, click Applications > Enterprise Applications. The newly installed application should appear in the list of installed applications as appname_sar.

  13. To start the application so that it can service SIP requests, check the box for appname_sar, and click Start. We might also want to look at the logs for a successful startup message.


The application can service SIP requests now.

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