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Map resource manager connection factory references to resource factories

We can use the console to bind the resource manager connection factory references to one of the configured resource factories.

Before we can map the resource manager connection factory references to a configured resource factory, the enterprise application must contain configured resource references. We must use an assembly tool, such as Rational Application Developer, to assemble the application before deploying it through the console.

Important: If the application does not contain resource references, the Resource references link does not display in the console.

For more information on resource references, see the following topics:

If the value of the res-auth element is Container within the deployment descriptor for the application, then specify the mapping configuration.

  1. Click Applications > Enterprise applications > application_name.

  2. From Resources, select Resource references.

  3. Select the application module and specify an authentication method for the selected connection factory reference binding. Select either Use default method, Use custom login configuration or Use trusted connections. If we select the Use default method option, the DefaultPrincipalMapping login configuration is selected. If we select the Use trusted connections option, then the TrustedConnectionMapping login configuration is selected. We must select an authentication data alias from the list.

  4. After we make a selection, click Apply for the configuration to take effect.

  5. If we select the Use trusted connection option, then you must select an authentication data alias from the menu list. The alias specified is what the application server uses to get the initial trusted connection.

  6. Click Apply. The selected login configuration name and an Mapping properties button is displayed in the Login configuration field of the particular connection factory reference binding.

  7. Click Mapping properties > New to specify the properties for the configuration. Click OK after specifying the properties on the Mapping properties panel.

  8. If we select the Use trusted connection option, then you must select an authentication data alias from the menu list.

  9. Click Apply. The Mapping properties button is displayed in the login configuration field of the particular connection factory reference binding.

  10. Click Mapping properties to modify the properties of the trusted connection. See the topic, Setting the security properties for trusted connections, for information on tuning the mapping properties for the trusted connection.

  11. Click OK and Save on the Resource references panel to save the changes to the master configuration.

Related concepts

  • Java EE connector security
  • Trusted connections with DB2
  • Resource reference benefits

    Related tasks

  • Set the security properties for trusted connections
  • Create or changing a resource reference

  • Mapping properties for a custom login or trusted connection configuration