Interoperation using a WebSphere MQ link
A WebSphere MQ link provides a server to server channel connection between a service integration bus and a WebSphere MQ queue manager or queue-sharing group, which acts as the gateway to the WebSphere MQ network.
A WebSphere MQ link enables WebSphere Application Server applications to send point-to-point messages to WebSphere MQ queues, which are defined as destinations in the service integration bus. The link also enables WebSphere MQ applications to send point-to-point messages to destinations in the service integration bus, which are defined as remote queues in WebSphere MQ. With a publish/subscribe bridge, the link also enables WebSphere Application Server applications to subscribe to messages published by WebSphere MQ applications, and WebSphere MQ applications to subscribe to messages published by WebSphere Application Server applications.
The WebSphere MQ queue manager or (for WebSphere MQ for z/OS ) queue-sharing group that provides the gateway for a WebSphere MQ link to connect to a WebSphere MQ network is known as the gateway queue manager. When you define a WebSphere MQ link, you nominate one WebSphere MQ queue manager or queue-sharing group to act as a gateway queue manager. This queue manager or queue-sharing group must exist and be active in the WebSphere MQ network
To the gateway queue manager, the messaging engine with the WebSphere MQ link (and hence the bus that the messaging engine is a member of) appears to be a WebSphere MQ queue manager. To the messaging engine with the WebSphere MQ link, the gateway queue manager (and any other queue managers connected to it) appears to be a foreign bus.
The WebSphere MQ link has sender and receiver channels defined on it. These channels communicate with, respectively, partner receiver and sender channels on the gateway queue manager. The WebSphere MQ link communicates with WebSphere MQ using the WebSphere MQ message formats and communication protocol. The WebSphere MQ link converts the service integration message formats to and from the WebSphere MQ message formats.
When WebSphere Application Server applications send messages over the WebSphere MQ link, the messages are transmitted through the WebSphere MQ link sender channel to the partner receiver channel on the gateway queue manager. The receiver puts the messages to the target destinations in the WebSphere MQ network.
Messages from the WebSphere MQ network, that are destined for WebSphere Application Server applications, are sent to the gateway queue manager. The sender channel on the gateway queue manager transmits the messages to the WebSphere MQ link receiver channel, from where they are distributed to the target destinations on WebSphere Application Server.
- Network topologies for interoperation using a WebSphere MQ link
These examples show a range of network topologies, from simple to complex, that enable WebSphere Application Server to interoperate with WebSphere MQ using a WebSphere MQ link.
- Message exchange through a WebSphere MQ link
A WebSphere MQ link connects to a specific foreign bus that represents a WebSphere MQ network, and enables messaging engines on a service integration bus to exchange messages with queue managers on the WebSphere MQ network.
- Point-to-point messaging with a WebSphere MQ network
The WebSphere MQ link, defined on a messaging engine in the service integration bus, describes the attributes required to connect to, and send or receive messages to or from, a WebSphere MQ queue manager or (for WebSphere MQ for z/OS) queue sharing group that acts as a gateway to the WebSphere MQ network.
- Publish/subscribe messaging through a link
On a WebSphere MQ link, we can set up publish/subscribe messaging between WebSphere Application Server and the WebSphere MQ publish/subscribe function, or a separate publish/subscribe broker.
- Request-reply messaging through a WebSphere MQ link
When a JMS producer sends a message, it can provide a reply-to destination. The reply-to destination is a JMS destination defined using the producer's messaging provider. This style of messaging is known as request-reply, or request and response. Request-reply messages can be exchanged across the WebSphere MQ link as either point-to-point or publish/subscribe messages.
- Strict message ordering using the strict message ordering facility of the WAS default messaging provider
Strict message ordering can be achieved when deploying message driven bean applications to the WebSphere MQ messaging provider for WebSphere Application Server when no special facilities have been coded into the application to handle messages arriving out of order using the strict message ordering facility of the WAS default messaging provider.
- Secure connections to a WebSphere MQ network
Connections between a WAS and a WebSphere MQ network can use the SSL protocol to increase the confidentiality and integrity of messages transferred between a messaging engine on a service integration bus and WebSphere MQ.
- Messaging between two application servers through WebSphere MQ
Use WebSphere MQ links to send a WAS message from one application server to another through a WebSphere MQ network.
- Messaging between two WebSphere MQ networks through an application server
Use WebSphere MQ links to send a message from one WebSphere MQ network to another through a WAS application server.