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Configure web service binding custom endpoints to support a proxy server

We can configure custom service endpoints for Service Component Architecture (SCA) web service bindings that are accessed by Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

Before beginning this task, install the SCA application.

When a service is exposed over the SCA web service binding, the service endpoint is specific to the server in which the service is hosted. Clients use this endpoint URI to access the service. In some cases, you may want clients to indirectly reference the service by using a proxy server as the service endpoint. For example, a proxy server is required to implement clustered web service binding endpoints. To enable clients to use a proxied endpoints, there are two ways to do this:

  1. In the console, click Applications > Application Types > Business-level applications > application_name > composition_unit_name > Provide HTTP endpoint URL information.

  2. Select the HTTP endpoint URL prefix.

    When entering custom endpoints, specify one and only one endpoint URL prefix each for the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.


You have configured web service bindings custom endpoints.

What to do next

We can configure the bindings to do transport layer authentication.

Related tasks

  • Specify bindings in an SCA environment
  • Configure the SCA web service binding

  • Provide HTTP endpoint URL information settings for SCA composites
  • Configure SCA web service binding for transport layer authentication