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Configure the default Failure Detection Protocol for a core group

The default Failure Detection Protocol monitors the core group network connections that the default Discovery Protocol establishes, and notifies the default Discovery Protocol if a connection failure occurs.

We might want to perform this task if:

The heartbeat transmission period and heartbeat timeout period are configurable. Use the console or wsadmin.sh to adjust these settings if the default values are not appropriate for the environment, unless you are running in a mixed cell environment that includes core groups containing a mixture of Version 7.0 and Version 6.x processes,

Mixed-version environment: If we are running in a mixed cell environment, and we have core groups containing a mixture of Version 7.0 and Version 6.x processes, you must continue to use the IBM_CS_FD_PERIOD_SECS and IBM_CS_FD_CONSECUTIVE_MISSED core group custom properties to adjust these settings. To specify these custom properties:

  1. In the console, click Servers > Core Groups > Core group settings > core_group_name. Then, in the Additional Properties section, click Custom properties > New.

  2. In theName field, specify either IBM_CS_FD_PERIOD_SECS or IBM_CS_FD_CONSECUTIVE_MISSED, and then specify a new value for these properties in the Value field.

    The IBM_CS_FD_PERIOD_SECS custom property specifies how frequently the Failure Detection Protocol checks the core group network connections that the discovery protocol establishes.

    The IBM_CS_FD_CONSECUTIVE_MISSED property specifies the number of consecutive heartbeats that a member can missed before it is communication with that member is discontinued.


Remember, when you use the console or wsadmin.sh to configure the Failure Detection Protocol, you configure the heartbeat transmission period, and the heartbeat timeout period. However if you are use the custom properties to configure the Failure Detection Protocol, you configure the heartbeat transmission period, and the number of missed consecutive heartbeats.

To use the console to change the settings for the default Failure Detection Protocol complete the following steps.

  1. In the console, click Servers > Core Groups > Core group settings > core_group_name.

  2. Then, in the Additional Properties section, click Discovery and failure detection. The Use the default protocol providers option must be selected. If this option is not selected, do not perform any more of the steps in this task.

  3. Specify, in milliseconds, a new value for the Heartbeat transmission period property.

    The default value for this property is 30000 milliseconds, which equals 30 seconds.

  4. Specify, in milliseconds, a new value for the Heartbeat timeout period property.

    The default value for this property is 180000 milliseconds, which equals 180 seconds.

  5. Click OK and then click Review.

  6. Select Synchronize changes with nodes, and then click Save.

  7. Restart all of the members of the core group.


After the servers restart, the core group members all run with the new Failure Detection Protocol settings.

Related concepts

  • Core groups (high availability domains)
  • Core group discovery and failure detection protocols