Delete a transport chain
Transport chains cannot be deleted the same way that HTTP transports can be deleted. Because we cannot have multiple HTTP transports associated with the same port, when we delete an HTTP transport, you effectively delete the associated port and stop all traffic on that port. However, the process is more complicated for a transport chain because multiple transport chains might be associated with the same port and we do not want to disrupt traffic on transport chains that you are not deleting.
Determine whether to delete a particular transport chain or all of the transport chains associated with a specific port.
We might have to delete one or more transport chains if we have to delete a port.
To delete a transport chain:
- In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name > Ports.
- In the list of available ports, locate the port to delete and click View associated transports for that port.
- Select the transport chain to delete, and click Delete. If we intend to delete the port that is associated with this transport chain, repeat this step for all of the transport chains associated with this port.
- Click Save to save the changes.
What to do next
If we delete all of the transport chains associated with a port, we can delete the port.