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Uninstall enterprise application files by dragging them from a monitored directory

After an application file no longer is needed, we can uninstall it by removing its EAR, WAR, JAR, or Session Initiation Protocol(SIP) archive (SAR) from a monitored directory. An enterprise application file must conform to the Java EE specification.

This topic assumes that you previously installed an enterprise application or module on a server or cluster by dragging or copying it to a monitored directory and to delete it from the server or cluster. The EAR, JAR, WAR, or SAR file exists in a monitored subdirectory:

(dist) For base (stand-alone) application servers on distributed operating systems, the monitored directory is under the application server profile. The directory path is app_server_root/profiles/application_server_profile_name/monitoredDeployableApps/servers/server_name.

(dist) For deployment managers on distributed operating systems, the monitored directory is under the dmgr profile:

(zos) For deployment managers on z/OS operating systems, the monitored directory path is as follows:

Restriction: Install an EAR, JAR, WAR, or SAR file by adding it to a monitored directory is available only on distributed and z/OS operating systems. It is not supported on IBM i operating systems.

For applications previously installed by adding an EAR, JAR, WAR, or SAR file to a monitored monitoredDeployableApps subdirectory, we can uninstall the application or module from the application server by dragging or deleting the EAR, JAR, WAR, or SAR file from the monitoredDeployableApps subdirectory.

The product scans a monitored directory for new applications no more frequently than every five seconds, by default. The server or cluster must be running for the product to notice changes to files in its monitored directory.

After not finding the EAR, JAR, WAR, or SAR file in the monitored directory, the product stops the application or module and uninstalls the file from the application server or cluster. Also, the product removes application files from the directory for installed applications:

Uninstall an application file deletes it from the product configuration repository and deletes the application module binaries from the file system of the node where the application modules are installed.

This topic assumes that you use a graphical file browser to drag or delete the EAR, JAR, WAR, or SAR file from the directory. Alternatively, we can use operating system commands to delete a file from a monitored directory.

  1. Ensure that the application server or cluster from which to remove the enterprise application file is running.

    To see which servers or clusters are running, we can use the serverStatus -all command. To start a server, we can use the startServer server_name command.

    (dist) For example, for a stand-alone application server node with a profile name of AppSrv02, run the serverStatus command from a command prompt at the app_server_root/profiles/AppSrv02/bin directory:

    If the server is not running, start the server. For example, to start an application server named server1 on AppSrv02, run the startServer command from a command prompt at the app_server_root/profiles/AppSrv02/bin directory:

    The Server server1 open for e-business message indicates that the server is running.

  2. Open a file browser and locate the monitored directory.

    (dist) For example, for server1 in the AppSrv02 profile, locate the app_server_root/profiles/AppSrv02/monitoredDeployableApps/servers/server1 directory.

  3. Remove the EAR, JAR, WAR, or SAR file to uninstall.

    (dist) For example, drag or delete the DynaCacheEsi.ear file from the app_server_root/profiles/AppSrv02/monitoredDeployableApps/servers/server1 directory.


The product stops the application or module and uninstalls it from the application server or cluster.

(dist) For the AppSrv02 example, the product writes messages about the uninstallation to the SystemOut.log file in the app_server_root/logs/server_name directory. The messages start with the CWLDD message key.

This topic references one or more of the application server log files. As a recommended alternative, we can configure the server to use the High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) log and trace infrastructure instead of using SystemOut.log , SystemErr.log, trace.log, and activity.log files on distributed and IBM i systems. We can also use HPEL in conjunction with the native z/OS logging facilities. If we are using HPEL, we can access all of the log and trace information using the LogViewer command-line tool from the server profile bin directory. See the information about using HPEL to troubleshoot applications for more information on using HPEL.

For uninstallations from a federated node of a deployment manager, if a node agent is stopped, the product uninstalls the application or module at the deployment manager level, but does not synchronize the changes with the node. The changes will occur at the node the next time the agent is running and a node synchronization occurs.

What to do next

Examine the server or cluster to verify that the application or module is no longer installed.

If the uninstallation is not successful, read messages in the SystemOut.log and fix the error condition. Add the EAR, JAR, WAR, or SAR file back into the monitored monitoredDeployableApps subdirectory, wait for the product to detect the file, and then remove it from the directory again. If the uninstallation still is not successful, use the console or a wsadmin script to uninstall the application file.

Related tasks

  • Install enterprise application files by adding them to a monitored directory
  • Uninstall enterprise applications using the console
  • Uninstall enterprise applications using wsdmin.sh
  • Deploy
  • Use High Performance Extensible Logging to troubleshoot applications

  • Directory conventions