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Export enterprise application files

We can export individual files of a Java EE application or module.

This topic assumes that we have installed an application or module on a server and to export a file in the application or module.

Export a file in a deployed application or module downloads the file to a location of the choice.

To export a file using the console, use Export File.

To export an entire application, use Export. For information on Export, see Export enterprise applications. The exported EAR file contains application configuration data as well as the application.

  1. Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications in the console navigation tree to access the Enterprise applications page.

  2. Place a check mark in the check box for the application and click Export File. A drop-down list of exportable files is displayed.

  3. Select a file from the list and click Export. A dialog in which you select a target location is displayed.

    If the browser does not prompt for a location to store the file, click File > Save as and specify a location to save the file that is shown in the browser.

  4. Specify the location to which to download the file.

    (iseries) User profile QEJBSVR must have *WX authority to the directory and at least *X authority to all directories in the path specified for the location.


The file is downloaded to the specified location.

What to do next

Click Back to return to the Enterprise applications page.

Related tasks

  • Export enterprise applications

  • Enterprise application collection