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Configure session tracking for Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) devices

Applications that run in a web container use sessions to keep track of individual users. Because most Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) devices do not support cookies, we can configure WAP devices to use URL rewriting to track sessions.

On most WAP devices, the maximum URL length is 128 characters. With URL rewriting, a session identifier is added to the URL itself, effectively decreasing the space available for the actual URL and the number of parameters that can be sent on a request.

To reduce the length of session identifier, we can configure key (jsessionid), session ID length and clone ID. To make these configuration changes...

  1. Open the console.

  2. Click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name > Web Container Settings > Web container.

  3. Under Additional Properties, click Custom properties.

  4. Add the appropriate properties from the following list:

    • HttpSessionIdLength

    • SessionRewriteIdentifier

    • HttpSessionCloneId

    • CloneSeparatorChange

    • NoAdditionalSessionInfo

    • SessionIdentifierMaxLength

  5. Click Apply and Save.

  • Session management custom properties