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Configure mail providers and sessions

Configure our own mail providers and sessions to customize how mail is handled in the application server. A mail provider encapsulates a collection of protocol providers, like SMTP, IMAP and POP3, and others. Mail sessions authenticate users and control access to messaging systems.

The application server includes a default mail provider that is called the built-in provider. If we use the default mail provider, you only have to configure the mail session.

To use a customized mail provider, create the mail session and provider.

What to do next

If the application has a client, we can configure mail providers and sessions using the Application Client Resource Configuration Tool.


Related tasks

  • Use High Performance Extensible Logging to troubleshoot applications
  • Configure new mail sessions for application clients
  • Configure mail providers and sessions for application clients

  • Considerations for isolated resource providers

    Related information:

  • World Wide Web Consortium: RFC 882 specifications