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Modify an existing inbound service configuration

Modify the configuration details for an existing inbound service. For example: secure the service; apply JAX-RPC handler lists to the ports for the service; publish the service to more than one UDDI registry.

An inbound service is a web interface to a service provided internally (that is, a service provided by our own organization and hosted in a location that is directly available through a service integration bus destination).

When you first create an inbound service, you connect the service to one or more endpoint listeners and (optionally) specify the UDDI publication properties used to publish the inbound service to an initial UDDI registry. An inbound port is automatically created for each endpoint listener selected, but each inbound port is created without a template port, JAX-RPC handler list or security settings. Modify your inbound service configuration to control and monitor access to the inbound services in any of the following ways:

To list the existing inbound services, and to view and modify their configuration details...

  1. Start the console.

  2. In the navigation pane, click Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Services] Inbound Services. A list of all the inbound services is displayed in an inbound services collection form.

  3. Click the name of an inbound service in the list. The current settings for this inbound service are displayed.

  4. Optional: Click Reload template WSDL to reload the template WSDL file for this inbound service.

    • When creating a new inbound service, a copy of the template WSDL file for the service is loaded into a locally-maintained repository. If we change the template WSDL file, you must update the local copy.

    • When you click Reload template WSDL, you run the command described in Refreshing the inbound service WSDL file by . For the command to complete successfully, the conditions must be met described in that topic.

    • If the bus needs to pass messages through an authenticating proxy server to retrieve WSDL documents, then we cannot use the Reload template WSDL option and you must run the refresh WSDL command by . For more information, see the corresponding troubleshooting tip.

  5. Modify the general properties. For information about each of these properties, see Inbound services settings.

    • When you change an inbound service name, the system looks up all objects that refer to it and updates the name.

    • The template WSDL is the service-specific WSDL file that we create to describe this inbound service. For information about how to create a WSDL file, see Develop a WSDL file for JAX-RPC applications.

    • Although logically the template WSDL name and namespace are only required if there is more than one service in the WSDL, the fields that you use to set them are coded within the console as compulsory fields. They are filled in for you by default, so if they are not logically required for the service you should leave the default values. If we remove the value from either field, the console treats the empty field as an error.

    • If we select the option to Enable operation-level security then you must also complete, for this inbound service, the steps described in Password-protecting a web service operation.

  6. Modify the additional properties.

    1. Modify the inbound ports associated with this inbound service.

      An inbound port describes the web service enablement of a service destination on a specific endpoint listener, with associated configuration. Each inbound port is associated with an endpoint listener, and we can control which groups of users can access a particular inbound service by making the service available only through specific endpoint listeners. For more information, see Endpoint listeners and inbound ports: Entry points to the service integration bus.

      We can use a JAX-RPC handler list to monitor activity at the port, and take appropriate action (for example logging, or rerouting) depending upon the sender and content of each message that passes through the port. For more information, see Bus-enabled web services and JAX-RPC handlers.

      We can use WS-Security to set the levels of security to be applied to messages. The security level can be set independently for request and response messages. For more information, see Service integration technologies and WS-Security.

      See also Inbound ports settings.

    2. Modify the UDDI publication properties used to publish this inbound service to one or more UDDI registries. For information about the UDDI publication properties, see UDDI Publication settings and UDDI registries: Web service directories that can be referenced by bus-enabled web services.

    3. Modify the custom properties, if any, that we have set for this inbound service. These custom properties are name and value pairs that we can use to set internal system configuration properties. In each pair, the name is a property key and the value is a string value.

    4. Use the publish WSDL files property to export the template WSDL for this inbound service to a compressed file.

      As a technology preview, the exported compressed file includes a version of the WSDL file that has no ports (bindings) defined. This non-bound WSDL is intended for use by the colleagues preparing to deploy an inbound service. It gives you a way of sharing information about the planned deployment details for the service among the team. When you finally deploy the inbound service, the associated WSDL must be complete (that is, it must include the binding information).

      The non-bound WSDL file is always published in the exported compressed file for the inbound service, along with the bound WSDL file if the inbound service has any ports defined. The compressed file, named inbound_service_name.zip, therefore always contains the following files:

      • bus_name.inbound_service_nameNonBound.wsdl (this file contains the non-bound service, port and binding for the inbound service).

      • bus_name.inbound_service_namePortTypes.wsdl (this file contains the port type definition for the inbound service).

      If the inbound service has one or more ports, then the compressed file additionally contains the following files:

      • bus_name.inbound_service_nameService.wsdl (this file contains the service and port elements for the inbound service).

      • bus_name.inbound_service_nameBindings.wsdl (this file contains the binding elements that correspond to the ports for the inbound service).

      If there is an error generating the WSDL then an error page is returned.

  7. Save the changes to the master configuration.


If the processing completes successfully, the list of inbound services for this service integration bus is redisplayed. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.

Related concepts

  • Non-bound WSDL

  • createSIBWSInboundService command
  • refreshSIBWSInboundServiceWSDL command
  • publishSIBWSInboundService command
  • unpublishSIBWSInboundService command

    Related information:

  • Delete inbound services configurations
  • Inbound services [Settings]
  • Inbound Ports [Settings]