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Managing manual peer recovery of the transaction service

After you configure manual peer recovery, you trigger a recovery process using the console; peer recovery can no longer take place automatically. This requirement applies to transaction peer recovery processing only; standard recovery processing of server recovery logs, driven when the server starts, still occurs automatically.

Before you initiate the peer recovery process, verify that the problem server has failed and cannot restart. To ensure data integrity, you must initiate a manual peer recovery process only for servers that are not running.

You usually direct a peer recovery process if an application server becomes unavailable for some reason, for example, a machine failure. The choice of peer server, within the cluster, is arbitrary.

  1. In the console click Servers > Core groups > Core group settings.

  2. Click the core group containing the failed server. The Core groups configuration panel is displayed.

  3. Under Additional Properties, click Policies.

  4. Click the static policy that is associated with the failed server. The Configuration settings for this policy are displayed.

  5. Under Additional Properties, click Static group servers. The General Properties panel is displayed.

  6. During normal running, the static group servers list must contain only the server that is associated with the policy. However, if you determine that the server failed, we can add a second server to undertake the peer recovery processing. From the Core group servers list, select the server on which to initiate the peer recovery process. Ensure selected an application server, rather than a system server such as the node agent or domain manager. Click Add >> to add the server to the static group servers list. Do not add more than one server.

  7. Save your changes to the master configuration, ensuring selected the Synchronize changes with Nodes check box. This step causes a recovery process for the failed server to begin on the peer server.

  8. When recovery processing is complete, you must reverse the configuration changes made before restarting the failed server. Return to the Static group servers list, select the peer server that we added previously and click Remove <<. Click OK.

  9. Save your changes to the master configuration, ensuring selected the Synchronize changes with Nodes check box.


The server selecteded performed transaction peer recovery, completing any outstanding work for the failed server.

What to do next

Verify that we have reversed the configuration changes made, then restart the failed server if required.

Related tasks

  • Configure manual peer recovery for the transaction service