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Using the transaction service

In WebSphere Application Server, applications can use transactions to coordinate multiple updates to resources as atomic units (as indivisible units of work) such that all or none of the updates are made permanent.

In WebSphere Application Server, transactions are managed by three main components:

Use the following tasks to work with transactions in WebSphere Application Server applications:


Related concepts

  • JTA support

    Related tasks

  • Use the ActivitySession service
  • Use one-phase and two-phase commit resources in the same transaction
  • Manage active and prepared transactions
  • Manage active and prepared transactions by
  • Manage manual peer recovery of the transaction service

    Manage transaction logging for optimum server availability

  • Configure transaction properties for an application server
  • Use WS-Transaction policy to coordinate transactions or business activities for web services
  • Configure transaction properties for peer recovery

  • Transaction service exceptions
  • Additional APIs
  • Transaction service custom properties
  • Local transaction containment

    Related information:

    Java Transaction API (JTA) 1.1 Specification