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Unmediating a destination

Use this task to unmediate a selected bus destination.

Before starting, you should consider whether to preserve message ordering at the bus destination you intend to unmediate.

Unmediating a selected bus destination breaks the association between the bus destination and the mediation, and the mediation stops processing messages at the bus destination at run time. This task unmediates a bus destination, and optionally preserves message ordering at the bus destination.

To unmediate a bus destination use the console to complete the following steps:

To preserve message ordering, complete all the following steps. If message ordering is not important, we can omit steps 2 and 4:

  1. Display the bus destination to unmediate. Click Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Destination resources] Destinations -> destination_name.

  2. Optional: To preserve message ordering at the destination, take the following steps:

    1. Clear the Send Allowed check box (setting it to false) to stop sending messages to the message points for this destination.

    2. Wait until there are no messages listed for the mediation points.

    3. Stop all the mediation points, and wait for all the mediation points to enter the stopped state.

    4. Optional: If it is not already selected, select the bus destination to unmediate.

  3. Click Unmediate to unmediate the destination.

  4. Optional: Select the Send Allowed check box (setting it to true) to resume sending messages to the mediation points for this destination.

  5. Save the changes to the master configuration.


The destination is unmediated, and the mediation point is deleted from the destination.

If we did not preserve message ordering, any messages that remain on the mediation point after we have unmediated the destination are processed as for a non-mediated destination. Messages with an empty forward routing path are placed on the next appropriate message point for the destination. Messages with a non-empty forward routing path are sent to the destination specified in the forward routing path.

The unmediated destination now operates as a non-mediated destination, and new messages are sent to a message point on the destination.

Related concepts

  • Mediations