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Connect buses by using an indirect connection

We can connect a service integration bus to another service integration bus or a WebSphere MQ queue manager or queue-sharing group (known as the "gateway queue manager") through one or more intermediate foreign buses. To do this, we create an indirect foreign bus connection.

To create an indirect foreign bus connection, the following resources must be defined:

To connect two buses indirectly, we create a indirect foreign bus connection on the local bus that specifies a suitable intermediate bus and the required target bus. There must be a connection, either direct or indirect, between the intermediate bus and the target foreign bus, that is, the service integration bus or a gateway queue manager to connect to.

To connect one bus to another bus through an intermediate bus, or a chain of buses, if the connection between the intermediate bus or the chain of buses and the target bus already exists, we do not require any new physical links. Instead, each foreign bus connection identifies a neighboring bus on the route to the final target bus as the "next hop" in the chain. Each bus in the chain must know about the next hop in the chain to reach the target bus. The local bus uses a foreign bus connection to identify the next bus in the chain to the target bus, and uses its direct physical link to flow messages to that bus. Then, each intermediate bus uses its locally defined foreign bus connection to identify the next bus in the chain until the target bus is reached.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Service integration -> Buses. A list of service integration buses is displayed.

  2. In the Buses pane, click the service integration bus to connect from, that is, the local bus.

  3. In the configuration tab, under Topology, click Foreign bus connections.

  4. In the Foreign bus connections pane, click New to start the Foreign bus connection wizard.

  5. In the Bus connection type pane, select Indirect, using another bus.

  6. In the Indirect connection details pane, complete the following details:

    1. Enter the name of the target foreign bus to connect to indirectly.

    2. Select the name of the existing, directly connected foreign bus that will be the intermediate bus to the target bus.

  7. When the Foreign bus connection wizard is finished, save your changes to the master configuration.


You have created a connection from the local bus to the target bus by way of the intermediate bus. You have created an indirect foreign bus connection, which contains a routing definition, or virtual link.

What to do next

Check whether there are connections between the intermediate bus specified and the target bus. If necessary, repeat the procedure to create the "next hop" in the chain.

Related concepts

  • Direct and indirect routing between service integration buses

    Related tasks

  • Connect a bus and a WebSphere MQ gateway queue manager to use point-to-point messaging
  • Connect a bus and a WebSphere MQ network to use publish/subscribe messaging
  • Connect service integration buses to use point-to-point messaging
  • Connect service integration buses to use publish/subscribe messaging