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Manage worker threads

Use this topic to support Object Request Broker(ORB) service advanced settings. The workload profile specifies the server workload profile, which can be ISOLATE, IOBOUND, CPUBOUND, or LONGWAIT.

Not only does workload management (WLM) dispatch work to servants according to service policy, but it also does so only if it has available worker threads. WLM worker threads are regular threads that specifically register with WLM as work receivers. In the WAS for z/OS implementation, this pool of threads is static. The pool in an address space does not grow or contract. The number of worker threads governs the maximum number of concurrent requests that WLM accepts in a servant. However, this situation applies only to HTTP, IIOP, and Java Message Service (JMS) driven requests. This thread pool does not handle asynchronous beans. The number of threads allocated to this pool is governed by an external object known as the ORB Workload profile.

  1. To configure the workload profile in the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name > Container services > ORB service > z/OS additional settings.


    Number of threads is 1. The servants are restricted to a single application thread. Use ISOLATE to ensure that concurrently dispatched applications do not run in the same servant. Two requests processed in the same servant can cause one request to corrupt another.


    Default - Number of threads is 3 * Number of processors. Specifies more threads in applications that perform I/O-intensive processing on the z/OS operating system. The calculation of the thread number is based on the number of processors. IOBOUND is used by most applications that have a balance of processor intensive and remote operation calls. A batch job is an example that uses the IOBOUND profile.


    Number of threads is the number of processors. The application performs processor-intensive operations on the z/OS operating system, and therefore, would not benefit from more threads than the number of processors. The calculation of the thread number is based on the number of processors. Use the CPUBOUND profile setting in processor intensive applications, like compute-intensive (CI) jobs, XML parsing, and XML document construction, where the vast majority of the application response time is spent using the processor.


    Number of threads is 40. Specifies more threads than IOBOUND for application processing. LONGWAIT spends most of its time waiting for network or remote operations to complete. Use this setting when the application makes frequent calls to another application system, like Customer Information Control System (CICS ) screen scraper applications, but does not do much of its own processing.

  2. To change the minimum and maximum number of servant instances using the console, select Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name. Under Server Infrastructure, click Java and Process Management > Server Instance. Check the box Multiple Instances Enabled , and type the minimum and maximum number of servant instances.

    Min servants <= number of possible service policies <= max servants


Number of processors is the number of processors online when the controller starts. We can look at message BBOO0234I in the controller job log to check the number of worker threads.

  • ORB services advanced settings on the z/OS platform