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Optimized local adapters environment variables

These application server custom properties are specific environment variables for optimized local adapters for z/OS .

To set one of these environment variables for either an application server or a deployment manager, in the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables, select the appropriate node or cell from the list of available servers, nodes and cells, and click New.

(V8502) LinkTaskChanID

When using the CICS Link Server and specifying multiple containers using a MappedRecord, this variable specifies the name of the Channel which will hold the containers.

Set descriptions Value
Data Type String
Default None
Used by Daemon No

(V8502) LinkTaskChanType

When using the CICS Link Server and specifying multiple containers using a MappedRecord, this variable specifies the type of the Channel which will hold the containers (CHAR=0|BIT=1).

Set descriptions Value
Data Type Integer
Default 1
Used by Daemon No


Specifies permission for CICS application level identities to be used for authentication when the registration request is made.

When an application requests an optimized local adapter registration, the programmer can use two security-related bits in the registration flags structure to control identity propagation. For transactions that are inbound from Customer Information Control System (CICS) to WebSphere Application Server, the reg_flag_C2Wprop registration flag controls how the identity is determined. When this bit is turned on, the CICS application identity is used in WebSphere server authentication. When this bit is turned off, the CICS region identity is used.

WebSphere Application Server administrators must set the environment variable to permit CICS application level identities to be used for authentication when the registration request is made. Set the value of the variable to 1 to enable applications to use CICS task level identity. If it is undefined or set to 0, connection registrations can only request CICS region level authentication, otherwise if the reg_flag_C2Wprop registration flag is set to 1, the BBOA1REG registration request fails with a return code 8 and reason code 21. The reg_flag_W2Cprop registration flag controls WebSphere Application Server to CICS outbound transaction security propagation.

The REGFLAGS definitions are as follows:

Set descriptions Value
Data Type Integer
Default 0
Used by Daemon No


Custom JNDI name to be used to bind the remote EJB proxy application to the local WebSphere Application Server for z/OS.

The maximum length allowed for this name is 256 bytes.

Set descriptions Value
Data Type String
Default " "
Used by Daemon No


Use to control the algorithm for selecting a target host service when multiple address spaces are registered and when hosting the same service.

Requests can be distributed over multiple target address spaces using the same registration name. We can distribute requests over 2 target address spaces with the same registration name but that serve two different business functions.

When set to 1, the last address space to register is the target for service locates.

When set to 2, an even distribution of requests is distributed across the address spaces with the same registration name and hosted services.

Set descriptions Value
Data Type Integer
Default 1
Used by Daemon No


Maximum number of connections supported for a single registration with a server in the daemon group. A connection is defined as a local communication connection between a client address space and a server within the daemon group.

When client address spaces register using the optimized local adapter Register API, the number of physical connections that the client address spaces want to make with the WAS address space is defined with the minimum and maximum connections parameter. To prevent any one registration request from over-running the target WebSphere Application Server with connections, the number of maximum connections for a single registration can be limited by specifying the adapter_max_conn variable.

Set descriptions Value
Data Type Integer
Default 100
Used by Daemon Yes


Specifies support for an optimized local adapter. Support is enabled when this variable is used to start the daemon.

The WebSphere daemon must know whether this daemon group is going to support the optimized local adapters, since it manages the shared storage used by the WebSphere server and the associated address spaces. All daemon configuration exists in the was.env file for the daemon. The daemon does not have a JVM, therefore it does not have access to the WCCM model.

Set this property to true to start the daemon with this variable and enable support for the optimized local adapters. Set this property to false if we do not want to start the daemon with this variable and enable support for the optimized local adapters.

Set descriptions Value
Data type Boolean
Default False
Used by Daemon Yes


Maximum number of adapter outbound services that can be active for a single registration. When the value is not specified, it defaults to 100.

Set descriptions Value
Data type Integer
Default 100
Used by Daemon Yes


Maximum size of the adapters shared 64-bit memory for adapters control structures for the daemon group. When this value is not specified, it defaults to 32M (33554432).

Do not change the value of this variable unless you are directed by IBM Support.

Set descriptions Value
Data type Integer
Default 32M
Used by Daemon Yes


Specifies a fully qualified path and file name of an optimized local adapter trace properties file.

WebSphere Application Server reads this file during daemon initialization and in response to the F daemon,SETOLATRACEPROPS operator command. In both cases the server reads and saves the file records in the OLA Trace Properties table. When optimized local adapter registration is called, the server searches the table for an entry that matches the new registration name. If a match is found, the registration trace level is set to what is specified in the properties table entry.

Like all WebSphere Application Server environment variables, the daemon must be restarted for any changes to take effect. We can preset this to a default value of a non-existent file without negative impact to daemon initialization. When to set trace properties, we can then create the file and issue the modify command shown. For details on using optimized local adapter tracing and the trace properties file see the topic, Using tracing on optimized local adapters.

Related tasks

  • Use tracing on optimized local adapters